#FAQyMeGene The FAQyMe Gene

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The inability of a child to thrive in a Constitutionally protected God based perpetual threat and rape culture is not a fault of the child; however it does become their odious responsibility upon reaching adulthood to resolve the harms done to them. The Christian religion at its core is a toxic mechanism whereby intergenerational trauma is kept alive, active, and deeply embedded in each new generation, as it has done over the past 2,000+ years.

Subscribe #FAQyMeGene The FAQyMe gene #665

The big List for a Rainy Day

Published: Wednesday, 1 February 2023 9:36:41 PM

TiR Trauma in Religion || The FAQyMe Gene || TiRcorder || Memes || Memories || Paul Levey || MiMo || Skarbek


     TiR  Religious Indoctrination of Defenceless Children Aided and Abetted by Complicit Government Policies   Trauma in Religion
     TiR  Indoctrination, Failed Governance and Trauma in Religion Abstract   The Impact of Religious Indoctrination on Children's Autonomy and Human Rights: A Systematic Review
     TiR  The intention to defraud the child of their human rights and human dignity begins with the enforced entrapment of the child by their own Secular Governments   Introducing the Catholic concept of a God and Devil is an act of child entrapment and a Human Rights crime demanded by the doctrines of the Vatican and Holy See
     TiR  Hijacking the mind of a child is easy, and even easier when Governments allow the use of Religion, God, fear and terror as weapons against children   Using life and inclusion threats, threats of abandonment or the threat of the death of loved ones. It becomes even easier the more powerful the gods and demons abusive religions and individuals within the religion are willing to deploy in their theft of the lives and rights of children.
     TiR   Insurmountable power funded by Governments deployed directly against young Catholic children overwhelms and overpowers them making them vulnerable   Human rights abuses begin at the earliest possible opportunity for traumatized Catholic children and their families.
     TiR  Government Funded Introduction or Indoctrination?   Is the introduction process a safe and ethical one for children? Research does not support this notion.
     TiR  Inclusivity and Applicability to all Australians Invisible to Abetting Governments   The Declaration of the Rights of the Child - which is more inclusive and applicable to all children in every Australian community?
     TiR  The Outcomes   The Interplay of Religious Indoctrination and Children's Rights: A Multidisciplinary Analysis
     TiR  Government permitted Catholic doctrine of the 'principle of double effect' can justify any crime in any jurisdiction   According to the principle of double effect, sometimes it is permissible to cause a harm as a side effect (or ''double effect'') of bringing about a good result even though it would not be permissible to cause such a harm as a means to bringing about the same good end. This is more than a principle, it in fact is a part of the doctrinal teachings and beliefs of the Catholic religion and has traditionally enabled the rape of countless Catholic children while helping to develop the currently active and ongoing cover up of those crimes through the unprincipled use of this doctrine and process and by any others means it has access to.
     TiR  Modern-day Human Slavery in Australia   Modern-day human slavery is characterized by ownership, control, and dominion over the rights of individuals, including access to justice, support, and redress, entrapping vulnerable children and adults.
     TiR  Introducing TiR Research: A Vision for Ethical Research and Advocacy   A Peek Inside the Future of Trauma in Religion and TiR-Research
     TiR  The Future of TiR-Research: Building Ethical Research Systems   Professional Professionals at the core and in Every Level of Endeavour
     TiR  Join Us in Shaping the Future of Ethical Research   Standing at the intersection of research, advocacy, and action
     TiR  Professional Professionals: The Foundation of Our Mission   Professional Professionals: The Foundation of Our Mission
     TiR  Projects   TiR Research Projects
     TiR  Contact   Contact Details
     TiR  Donate   Donate or assist in protecting children from lifelong entrapment
     TiR  Thank You for caring   Children have a Human Right enshrined in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to develop to their full potential without psychological entrapment
     TiR  Copyright and Usage Rights   Copyright - Disclaimer - Terms
     TiR  Map of Links   Links to pages
     TiR  The FAQyMe Gene   How it came about
     TiR  About John Brown   Some of my history
     TiR  Map of FAQyMe Gene Links   Links to FAQyMe Gene pages
     TiR  About Ken   Ken Kosiorek
     TiR  John's contact details   Details
     TiR  Search the FAQyMe Gene   Google search of the FAQyMe Gene
     TiR  Contact John   PayPal details
     TiR  Map of Links   Links to pages
     TiR  Map of JohnB Links   Links to JohnB pages
     TiR  Child Victims caught up in Centuries old Battle   Caught up in the continuance of the protocols, the conflict, denial and the mythology of the historic battle between the Monarchy and the Vatican. No child deserves these levels of hypocrisy and public criminal insanity.

TiR Trauma in Religion || The FAQyMe Gene || TiRcorder || Memes || Memories || Paul Levey || MiMo || Skarbek

The FAQyMe Gene

     FAQyMe #FAQyMe0  FAQ. Why me? Why me? I am here by accident of birth Earliest recollections at age 3.5
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe1  More recollections
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe2  3.5 to 8 Years of Age
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe3  More from 3.5 to 8 Years of Age
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe4  Perverting the Course of Justice
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe5  Age 8
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe6  Open Public Letter to Individual Siblings, and more
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe7  Age 8 to 14 and on to 21 and my living "out of Culture"
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe8  People who have had a positive influence on my life
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe9  Atheist brought up in a Catholic environment or understanding fear and oppression
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe10  Peter O'Callaghan the "Independent Commissioner" or the art of official bullying plus it's all about the money
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe11  Embedding Trauma Catholic Style - Rape and Torture on a Daily Basis
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe12  Marriage and the Bishop of Toowoomba
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe13  Victoria Police - Catholic Police Investigating Crimes by Catholic Clergy + The threat of excommunication and Catholic Police officers
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe14  Queensland Police - First Reporting 1994
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe15  Being proactive and long term with empathy and trust trumps authority of all kinds each and every time
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe16  15 Critical Habits of mentally Strong People
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe17  Childhood family, siblings and more from Yea 1950 onwards
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe18  Toowoomba events and more
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe19  On the nature of the Catholic religion
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe20  Coal Seam Gas
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe21  Work Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe22  On the limitations and the many hindrances of psychology and psychiatry
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe23   Charter of Human Rights and responsibilities 2006
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe24  The Royal Commission
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe25  Conversations
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe26  I don't think like you do. Is that sufficient cause to fear me?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe27  Healing v Recovery or Science v Faith Healing
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe28  Whatever became of Alice?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe29  The bigotry, criminality and fears of neighbourly Christians
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe30  The FAQyMe Gene
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe31  Who commits child sexual abuse?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe32  On the primitive origins of Catholicism
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe33  VOCAT outcomes
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe34  Christian beliefs predetermine a diagnosis
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe35  Oppression driven by fantastic beliefs, mythology, superstitions, fanatics and fear filled psychologically compromised humans
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe36  You don't believe as I do therefore you are crazy
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe37  The sound of double b
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe38  Defining Survivor, Victim and Oppression
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe39  Iatrogeneses
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe40  Vicarious trauma
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe41  GoFundMe : Design, implement and analyse global research re the sexual abuse of children and The GCAC
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe42  Transcript of interview of Janette Berry by Peter O'Callaghan (April 2007)
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe43  Global Declaration of a Public Moral Danger to our Children and a Moral Menace to Society
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe44  The Fair Go Memoraandum of Understanding
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe45  300 Tons of jet fuel converted to hot air to serve the few
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe46  Human Rights petition to Royal Commission
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe47  Memorandum and sexual abuse of children in Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe48  Christmas hopes for you
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe49  The Sewer
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe50  Yours, mine and Australia's children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe51  Facts and Truths of Anxiety, Depression and the DSM
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe52  Not Your Goods to Trade
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe53  An apology by the Prime Minister and the Governor General of Australia is still needed
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe54  Couples engage in guilt free sex
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe55  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe56  JohnB - Patrick Smith a contrasting experience
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe57  The highest risk engagements a survivor of child abuse will ever experience. Whose property are you?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe58  Social Development Inquiry - Causes and Solutions to Our Generations of Failures
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe59  Human stalking, predators and other early childhood skills
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe60  A social mystery; the denial of equality and justice by everyday Australians
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe61  In brief - all at sea
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe62  A work in progress over Australia Day 2017 - come back in an hour for my next update
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe63  Help with some paper work message January 28 2017
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe64  People that gaslight use the tools of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders or just an above average narcissistic Christian
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe65  Cannabis provides superior support than toxic therapists. My support check list
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe66  Democracy where we vote to put all our power into the hands of one individual
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe67  Please Don't Judge Our Entire Religion On The Actions Of The 20% Of Us That Molest Kids - Help by Supporting Free Child Sex Crimes for Clergy
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe68  BREAKING NEWS YOU WILL NEVER HEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (10 February 2013)
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe69  A specific form of crazy. Have you been adversely affected?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe70  Catholic Upbringing Narcissistic Sicknesses
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe71  Case Study 50 - Not there yet
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe72  Tell Catholics for Renewal to not involve us in their internal arguments
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe73  Can You Inherit a Guilty Conscience or did You Just Learn that
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe74  If only we knew
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe75  Myth v Reality An experience of modern day justice 1948 - 2017
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe76  Religious in the workplace can be dangerous to survivors
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe77  Myth v Reality Part II
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe78  A 3 Minute better plan than any from the Christian God's plans or plans of the Vatican
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe79  What we Think Matters - Guaranteed Secular Services
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe80  Australian from central Victorian town of Yea finds universal religious truth; sets out to tell the world
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe81  Trauma in combination with mythology and constant life threat
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe82  Slavery in all forms is abhorrent and the Catholic Church should be called on it
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe83  Preventing Rape of Children by Clergy Helped Humanity Evolve
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe84  Drawn Deeper into the Catholic Coverup than I thought was ever possible Again
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe85  The digital age has played a larger role than many will allow in the downfall of Catholicism and Christianity
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe86  It's just a bit of clericalism
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe87  How the Catholic Coverup Self-perpetuates
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe88  Design and implement a self sustaining human parasite
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe89  Australia never was a democratic country according to Catholic beliefs
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe90  What Magnificent Justice That Would Be - a snippet from 31 May 2013
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe91  God in Australia as a mental health issue in 2018
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe92  Respect is a two way street no matter where or who it comes from
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe93  Taboo Topics for Australian Children of the Future
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe94  Australia's Catholics have got it right this time as now you can look at all the good work they do
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe95  Australia is not a democratic country while governments continue to do business with criminal organizations
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe96  Are Australia's Catholics able to be saved?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe97  Diagnosing Mysticism in Australia using the DSM-5 or ICD-10
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe98  Dear Kristina Keneally it's called rape. Child rape.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe99  You have to shut-up. You talk too much
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe100  Not only has policing been seduced into supporting the rapist clergy culture
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe101  Recalling 29 June 2013 How Far Does The Catholic Cover Up Go?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe102  Australian rape culture gets it right this time
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe103  Will policing be able to deal with religious cults equally or will the old failed policy of thinking that Catholic police officers can in fact be unbiased when investigating clergy
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe104  Are our governments actually capable of providing a moral and ethical Australian response?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe105  Two sentences for your next support request
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe106  My expert witness
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe107  My expert witness
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe108  Making history in 2017
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe109  A Thousand Variables
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe110  Justice Peter McClellan AM Australia and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy Conference 30 September 2017
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe111  Clergy abuse survivors get to make some serious choices in life
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe112  Video 2011 - Where was Australia on the Child Sexual Abuse Issue?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe113  Video 2009 - Community Cabinet meeting with Commissioner Bob Atkinson
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe114  What does a 'Fair Go' feel like in 2017
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe115  RELEASE: Toowoomba couples engage in guilt free sex
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe116  Human Rights and survivors of childhood sexual abuse by clergy a farce in Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe117  Snippets from the Survivors Handbook
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe118  How much mental illness in our society comes from or is caused by religion?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe119  The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe120  Trauma training an essential part of a Catholic education
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe121  Religious Rights and Freedoms in Australia have caused Rapes and Murder
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe122  Naming rights - Renaming is an old tactic
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe123  What steps do you believe our government should take?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe124  Australian survivors have had their human rights abused and they are getting away with it again
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe125  Hypothetical
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe126  One for the grandchildren
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe127  Ken the Molested Catholic
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe128  Today's Christmas message from Australia asks should we continue to allow Catholics to freely rape and abuse children?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe129   Season of hope as we work together
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe130  Joining Kialo
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe131  The Nursery Effect - The Science of Epigenetics in Humans
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe132  The Ways I understand Trauma
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe133  Bondage for life to toxic treatment Make a next appointment
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe134  Human Rights be damned - Stop your whingeing as you can now sue the Catholic Church
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe135  Men and women of God continue to bring suffering to millions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe136  Human Rights be damned, I am driven by my Homo Sapiens biology
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe137  Can Catholicism coexist with Neuroscience & Evolutionary Psychology
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe138  2009 - Give us Aussie kids a Fair go Mate!
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe139  Trickle Down Democracy or Modern Day Slavery?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe140  Rough notes here quickly due to the need to transition to early childhood stuff with the ability to come back to it after
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe141  The Infinite Range of Dissociation
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe142  How aware are Australians of the truth of the cover up of the sexual abuse of children in 2018?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe143  The Cradled Catholic
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe144  When only a Class Action against God will be enough
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe145  Guest post by Andrew Klein
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe146  What costs to the community?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe147  Rolling the Dice on Justice and Success in 2018 Secular Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe148  Unravelling the myths of the accident prone Catholic child
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe149  AH There is Your Problem an Atrophied Amygdala
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe150  Educate, Inform, Debate. Just what do you get in a political representative
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe151  Christian police investigating the crimes of Christian clergy is a recipie for human rights abuses
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe152  FUCK YOU Australia simply because you have abused and denied truth and justice to so many millions sexually abused by Catholic clergy
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe153  Is the safety of children and vulnerable adults genuinely paramount for the Catholic Church?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe154  Taking a Toll on the Catholic Church
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe155  It is a parental responsibility towards your children to raise them so that they are beyond the reach of gods
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe156  Feeling the need to protect others and being over-responsible - No greater love ...
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe157  Australian Constitution Hijacked into Empowering Criminal Clergy
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe158  An enjoyable coffee with a genuine politician - that would be different
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe159   ... shall not make any law for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe160  We can and need to do this for future children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe161  FOUND: The universal get out of jail free card for rapist clergy
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe162  Incident List
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe163  Speechless and Honored
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe164  Promises and tears from the shallow and empty men and women who say they want to represent you and to protect your rights and the rights of children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe165  The Tragedy of Meeting Catholic Raised Marcie an Outraged Illinformed Controlling Victim Corralling Mother of Many
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe166  When one is all you can find
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe167  Don't Denture Out
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe168  What is an appropriate response from Australia when .....
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe169  How many days has the Catholic Cover Up been happening for?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe170  Cover up Day Display Generator
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe171  I criticised the Church in Toowoomba and Australia - Look at what happened as a result of that
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe172  Lotto has better odds than the Apology Ballot
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe173  Why it is not a good time to champion Human Rights for Children in Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe174  Redefining Australian Society
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe176  [2014] Advisory to Survivors of Clergy Abuse Dealing with the Royal Commission and Government Funded Support
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe177  My brother is an actual atheist who will lead us all to Hell
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe178  My family are Catholics who cannot support the childhood victims of rape by Catholic clergy
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe179  National Apology (Full text) Prime Minister Scott Morrison
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe180  Q1: Why weren't the children of our nation loved, nurtured and protected? Prime Minister Scott Morrison
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe181  Q2: Why was their trust betrayed? Prime Minister Scott Morrison
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe182  Q3: Why did those who know cover it up? Prime Minister Scott Morrison
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe183  Q4: Why were the cries of children and parents ignored? Prime Minister Scott Morrison
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe184  Q5: Why was our system of justice blind to injustice? Prime Minister Scott Morrison
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe185  Q6: Why has it taken so long to act? Prime Minister Scott Morrison
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe186  Q7: Why were other things more important than this, the care of innocent children? Prime Minister Scott Morrison
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe187  Q8: Why didn't we believe? Prime Minister Scott Morrison
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe188  National Apology (Full text) Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe189  Q1: Why are we only hearing about this now? Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe190  Q2: Why didn't we know? Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe191  Q3: Why weren't we told? Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe192  Q4: Why didn't we know about this? Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe193  National Apology Questions by PM Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe194  Wonderings on the Christian Reference Frame
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe195  ''When the premises is false all that follows will be false also''
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe196  Engagement with the Christian God is a Health & Safety Hazard
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe197  These forms of human parasitism, predation and psychological entrapment are human rights and child entrapment crimes
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe198  Put that in writing
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe199  True Gods and Fractured Minds
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe200  What is Trauma in Religion?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe201  My survival reflex kicks in once again
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe202  Suppose
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe203  It's all about the punctuation
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe204  Lion's Mane, Vitamin B3, Microdosed Psilocybin some Robert Sapolsky, Stephen Porges & PolyVagal Theory
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe205  Out of culture again - Not for me
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe206  Trauma in Religion and the Scientific process
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe207  The Experiment
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe208  The Lim Report
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe209  Moments to mark in a life
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe210  Beginning of the end of my journey to safely tell my story to the appropriate authority
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe211  Answering a Question I posed in 1987
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe212  How did you escape the trauma of meeting the Catholic God?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe213  Processing Trauma - brain food
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe214  Notes on the future
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe215  Sunshine on an hypocritical world
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe216  The Final Act of Betrayal against Trauma Victims is Played out in our Justice and Legal Systems
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe217  What Causes Extreme religious Violence?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe218  A globaly protected rape culture
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe219  The Nuremburg Zone and the protected religious rape culture
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe220  The ''Why'' Question Answered
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe221  Atheism is not a cure-all or effective remedy for Narcisistic and controllng behavioural characteristics
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe222  Child abuse will not leave the Catholic Church until ...
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe223  Is this the Australian ''Fair Go''?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe224  Child sexual abuse and the destruction of communities
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe225  Democracy peaked at 2.5 hours in a single lifetime
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe226  Meanwhile the systemic attacks by ignorance and silence against child sex victims continues
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe227  How I was accused of rape and then a death threat on FB and lost my Twitter account
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe228  The Decree Crimen - a Secular Perspective
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe229  One pedophile priest survivor in Toowoomba, Queensland, gives City of Angels Blog his take on the Royal Inquiry
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe230  Why an elected Christian representative this election may be harmful to Australia's children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe231  Catholic denial of justice is a Human Rights crime
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe232  What if the whole God thing is a hoax?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe233  Cycles of abuse
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe234  On the power and influence clergy have over children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe235  Where do you fit with regard to this official federal police religious test?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe236  What is the real extent of the Catholic cover up?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe237  Redefining redress - systemic failings continue
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe238  YouTube Update
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe239  Discussing the book: PREDATORS' PARADISE: A Journey of Survival and Resilience by Glen Fisher with Kate Shayler
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe240  Can you be a slave today in Australia?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe241  Questions 1 - What sort of influence did the priest have and why?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe242  Fuelling Christian suffering on to others
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe243  Dangerous to portray children as ''religious property''
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe244  Can religiosity be a response of a trauma induced state of mind?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe245  Thank you Bennett
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe246  The reality of the global institutional failure in 2019
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe247  The world's toughest sales pitch
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe248  Recovery amidst the hypocrisy of the upsidedown journey through systemic failure, bias, malpractice and abuse of power in 2019 Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe249  I saw and experienced the Catholic cover up at its peak as a teenager
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe250  Memes & Statements
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe251  Coming forward to the Royal Commission was a devestating cultural clash
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe252  Glen Fisher and John Brown with the first of The Many Voices of Forgotten Australians Podcast
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe253  Paul levey
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe254  Papal Knights and Policing
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe255  How Catholic forgivenes puts your children at risk
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe256  Can allowing clergy to marry solve the child rape crisis of todays' religions?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe257  Vested Interests take you to CYA immediately followed by BSE
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe258  Why do people worship a god who tortures people?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe259  Who is not outraged by the rape and cover up in the Catholic Church
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe260  Glen Fisher - The Many Voices of Forgotten Australians
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe261  James Kelly - The Many Voices of Forgotten Australians
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe262  John Brown - The Many Voices of Forgotten Australians
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe263  Recalling Frank Scully in Yea around 1962
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe264  Free exercise does not include the freedom to break the laws of the country
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe265  Victims are Doing it for Themselves: Examining the Move from Victim to Advocate
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe266  Comparing the evidence for self medication of Cannabis addiction and religion addictions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe267  1962 An apprenticeship at the Yea Chronicle
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe268  Yesterday was Tuesday - tracking my medical records
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe269  Tony Robbins as a Trauma Recovery Specialist or What would you do with $500 million?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe270  The Dead Loss
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe271  JohnB - notes
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe272  How Catholic are you?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe273  Original Facebook bio
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe274  10 point safety plan
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe275  Glen Fisher John Brown & James Kelly - The Many Voices of Forgotten Australians
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe276  This rocks my world
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe277  Frank Scully Yea Victoria 1962
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe278  <<..CONFIDENTIAL..>> For the personal eyes of Justice Peter McClellan only.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe279  Every Catholic can display to others to show the suffering they are experiencing
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe280  The Catholic religion is Australia's largest government funded, constitutionally protected, God based rape culture.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe281  Web sites I have developed 1998 to 2007
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe282  Trailblazer Kobutsu Malone (Kevin Christopher Malone), aka Rev. Kobutsu Malone
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe283  Email to Xxxxxx
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe284  Cultural concepts on disclosure and progress
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe285  From all powerful to global rape culture in under 20 years
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe286  Justice cannot be achieved while we remain ruled by Christian based laws
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe287  A democracy only represents the majority
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe288  Australia andf it's inappropriate response to child sexual abuse
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe289  A week in my words
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe290  Where to now for finding safe secular services?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe291  The shame of being connected with the Catholic Church
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe292  Ozi Ozi Ozi Oi Oi we still get paranoid about human rights in Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe293  Why do we diagnose, treat and medicate child abuse survivors this way?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe294  Adaptation - Only the names and places have changed
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe295  Three Catholics Gods in one: Narcissism, Misogyny, Insecurity and a religious demand of Saviourship
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe296  Where do male survivors of ritual abuse fit into the Q and A discussion on violence? or White patriachy
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe297  A Royal Commission into those they Repeatedly Forget; Survivor Deaths with Dignity and Victim Suicides
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe298  Dissociation - it's everywhere
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe299  From the past
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe300  How Christianity hijacks secularism, defeats fair representation, stymies human rights and mochs secularism
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe301  The Catholic Church is free to operate in our country while it abides by our laws Are they law abiding?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe302  God and Climate Change an even Greater Threat
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe303  70 Years of human rights aspirations
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe304  A tipping point in time to note
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe305  Subscription only content ''Cultural Australia and the Catholic Cover Up''
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe306  When the PM is 'Inside the Bubble'
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe307  A valid world view example
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe308  From a discussion on abusive cultures within religions 2019
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe309  Forgiveness and inner peace
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe310  The culture of a hijacking prime minister
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe311  Will God need to be sacrificed again to save people on other planets?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe312  Survivors are insulted & abused when their government directs funds through the most abusive religions identified by a Royal Commission
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe313  Catholics play political red mass games in our legal world over survivor justice and the sexual safety of children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe314  With police overseeing police, psychiatry overseeing psychiatry; what could go wrong for victims of abuse?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe315  The game is rigged
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe316  Don't let the Help Go Tribal
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe317  My Biggest Gamble in Life
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe318  Domestic Violence
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe319  This space is vacant
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe320  HowTo: Formalize, protect, perpetuate and profit from ritualized inter generational trauma across an entire species
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe321  Fight Flight Freeze Fawn Flourish
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe322  Mental Health Declaration of Human Rights
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe323  Is this lurking in our human DNA? Can traumatic memories be erased?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe324  On the DSM and it's Medication and Criminalize Model
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe325  A communication from my child in the 22nd century
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe326  COVID-19 and the Aussie Battler Mindset in 30 Seconds
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe327  When your PM is in lockstep with business and religion in a pandemic
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe328  Shifting to a pandemic reality
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe329  It's Complex - PTSD or CPTSD
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe330  Misdiagnoses are common along with suicide and suffering
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe331  Which religions publicly champion and advocate for the human rights of children?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe332  Where was I?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe333  Not for You
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe334  No moral and ethical person can justify the continuation of this social failure
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe335  Intergenerational trauma as a product of Catholicism
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe336  JohnB and the Law or Why don't they get what I am saying?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe337  Dissociation as both a common human trait and a working tool
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe338  having some naughty boy recollections
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe339  What I do not regret is the truth of the experience
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe340  How will mental health treatment change in Australia when the DSM includes CPTSD
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe341  What is complex trauma and how is it different to single incident trauma?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe342  The Dice Man
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe343  What say You?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe344  How to negotiate with a cult
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe345  Covid can bring safety and time for some
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe346  Justice McClellan ''Law and psychology can be uneasy partners''
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe347  Religious Freedom and Human Rights can never happliy coexist if they were to both reach their full potential
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe348  An Apprenticeship in the Power of Religious Politics and Policing - Australia 1960
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe349  Sunday, 31 May 2020
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe350  Serving two masters - Australians can still be raped and legally denied justice under the protections afforded to the Vatican by our Constitution
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe351  Female sexual abuse of children research
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe352  Does Catholicism require a partner to raise their children Catholic?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe353  Culture, Tradition and the Dirty War Denying Recovery for Victims in Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe354  Together we can defeat giants
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe355  A brief history of the failures of redress for trauma in a justice based system
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe356  Who in their right mind would sanction treatment under a program that denies 99% of their childhood?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe357  Conspiracy tendencies
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe358  Jagged @ 4.5
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe359  Australia and the conventions on Torture and the Rights of Children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe360  Is torture just another legal tactic in Australia?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe361  Connections
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe362  some notes while in isolation
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe363  Testing your capacity
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe364  Is that Dissociation of yours seeking survival or total annihilation?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe365  The holy founding text of The Church of the Next Word, as revealed to Frank Lantz
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe366  Claims of Deity level connections and communication
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe367  A Global Measure of Failure
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe368  ''In the beginning ... there is a plausibility problem''
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe369  The cultural hegemony we live in is the product of ''?''
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe370  Have the Gods admitted their fraud yet?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe371  Modern day Catholicism in 2021
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe372  Bligh, Rudd, rape and Australia's cultural hegemony
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe373  Does the Prime Minister suffer from PTSD or even CPTSD?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe374  Is your brain just a squishy piece of meat for other human parasites?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe375  Functioning Trauma - The very same process in both situations
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe376  Ken Kosiorek the shunned left handed molested Catholic
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe377  Why Christian leadership is Hegemony to many Australians
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe378  Me in the Media - the things I sometimes say
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe379  SNAP - me disengaging once again with SNAP
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe380  Under no obligation
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe381  I have complete faith in my statements
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe382  Looking back, laughing or even stealing apples might do it
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe383  Narcissistic personality disorder is an adult pathology
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe384  The truth will set you free but first they will want to crucify you or How fraudsters reap the benefits of Freedom of Religion laws or A nation wide Class Action
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe385  What is Religious Gaslighting?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe386  A unique moment in time that only I could create
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe387  Yes we do live in a Christian Hegemony
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe388  Now as always more highly trained at fucking up
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe389  It is accurate to say that the system is set to fail the majority of affected victims
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe390  Christian Police Minister publicly bullies frightened children and their innocent female teacher because his God is outraged
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe391  I have this weird relationship with the legendry City of Angels lady
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe392  Online submission to Sarah Mitchell NSW Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe393  Transcript - Traumatized and Venting on the NSW Police Minister's words
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe394  What is the potential for Tracking #TraumaInformedPolicing?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe395  On what determines our ''Killer'' instinct
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe396  Policemen with a sworn oath of obedience to the Vatican
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe397  Being Human
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe398  Intergenerational enslavement occurs when a religion mandates that the children are the property of the religion
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe399  It's rare to be able to tell the truth � here's what's wrong with Australia's mental health system Adrian Plaskitt
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe400  The Catholic Church Australia - Public consultation opens on new model for complaints and redress in Victoria - a review and response
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe401  Which areas of research take your interest?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe402  Monday: Scomo declares war on China claiming it is both the anti-Christ and the evil one
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe403  It's complex; too complex yet to see fully from the inside Cultural hegemony is the normal
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe404  Have you ever asked yourself that frequent question? ''Fuck. Why Me?''
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe405  My first deeper look at myself and DiD
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe406  Exploring the connections of DiD, Trauma and Religion
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe407  DiD and Religion
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe408  Willy Webster Show The Nightmare at Neerkol by Garnett Williams - Chapter 1
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe409  Why Earth is the most unique planet in the entire Universe?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe410  Duty of care to protect children Which Australian state will be first to fully protect the Human Rights of children?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe411  Waiting
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe412  Were the old days really better?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe413  The Educated Masses
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe414  Someone should tell them that what they are doing is wrong
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe415  Presumed to be for the public benefit
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe416  QAnon: Just as abusive as religion
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe417  Secular mental health services
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe418  The riddle of democracy, fair representation and the Nursery Effect
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe419  We got a whole lot smarter in quick time
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe420  An Toce re port
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe421  All over the place; just dissociating
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe422  Study shows severity of abuses of minors within Catholic church
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe423  Religion - Faith Based Groups and the Secular State of the 21st Century
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe424  Data is only what you want it to be
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe425  John/Sandy * 65
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe426  It's a piece of my reality
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe427  Your Guess is as Good as Mine
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe428  Heaven is to be inhabited in part by 144,000 virgin men who have not been ''defiled'' by women.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe429  The difference comes in many ways, it comes from things like this
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe430  Google getting drawn in by ''Defenders of the Faith'' by Public Servants or just their natural covering up
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe431  Re: 'any subject like which is appropriate'
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe432  We always hear ''the rules'' from the female side. Now here are the rules from the male side
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe433  The inability of a child to thrive in a Constitutionally protected God based trauma and abuse culture
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe434  Who knows! Maybe an Unabashed recommendation
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe435  A snippet from my memories from back in 28 July 2014
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe436  When I hear about Catholicism not being Christian
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe437  From the Guardian We pretty much know what narcissism is by now
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe438  We have a God who is said to be knowledgeable and able to stop abuse and war yet is willing to allow entire populations to slaughter millions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe439  The Catholic apocrypha made reference to the 144,000 and other references on ownership of property
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe440  We can change though it is easier for younger people who have access to others and can communicate relatively freely
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe441  A dissociative state is a response to trauma
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe442  Did you seek forgiveness for all your sins?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe443  Hiding their feelings and displaying piety or some form of abeyance
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe444  Kudos to you for accepting who you are and holding with that
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe445  Knowing that they will never enter the mythical heaven
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe446  The most common of all and the least connected by our assumptions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe447  Somehow I lucked on the notion to call my mobster boss
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe448  Morality and Performance of Duty - the most powerful words I have ever read. Alice Miller
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe449  Emeritus Professor Freda - Charter For Protection Of Children And Young People full document
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe450  Interview with Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe451  Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs - Charter For Protection Of Children And Young People
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe452  Yvonne Winer one of the World's Great Story Tellers
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe453  An odious responsibility upon reaching adulthood if you aim to be a successful parent and partner
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe454  Recovery is possible - no matter how violent, no matter how long ago
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe455  How I became an ex ex-Catholic
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe456  Have you watched the Marita Murphy story? ''You be the Judge''
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe457  4th Degree Oath of the Knights of Columbus
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe458  A comms from my Child in the 22nd Century
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe459  About my 22nd Century Child
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe460  The Editor, Mr Steve Etwell Toowoomba Chronicle
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe461  Christian rapes - Something to remember and to re-post at election time
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe462  I believe this came up because this is the first time I have felt emotionally and physically safe with a man
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe463  Just like other Mammals You got PTSD because your Existence was Directly Threatened
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe464  Does the Taliban have the Right to Freedom of Religion?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe465  Better than a Forced Apology
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe466  JohnB and Ken using the World's most Powerful T-Shirt to Explore the Misogyny, Rape and Destruction of Natural Societies and more
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe467  Ken the Left Handed, Shunned and Molested Catholic at San Diego Cathedral
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe468  That is right on topic for me this morning here in COVID ravaging Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe469  Trauma theory randomly applied - simulating a trauma induced response in an adult Catholic
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe470  X-Rays are Good Evidence
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe471  New child sexual abuse law surprises advocates and legislators
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe472  Brian Bull - If you are ever on King Island
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe473  Brian Bull - I found the strength to tell my wife, the soul destroying secret that was ruining my life
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe474  Lessons from The Mob, Marky, Andrew and many many more
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe475  Andrew Klein ''The Ills of Our Culture''
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe476  My pick of pages for September 2021
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe477  September 3, 2021
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe478  September 5, 2021 - People who can't say NO Crisis Hopping and everything else that is wrong with it
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe479  September 6, 2021 - I am a product of my Environment, We all are
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe480  September 7, 2021 - Rolled again
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe481  September 8, 2021 - A special hand to hold on to
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe482  September 8, 2021 - A special hand to hold on to
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe483  $50K for Fantasy Research. What would you do?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe484  Do you want US$50 just for Getting it Right
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe485  September 10, 2021 - It's Friday
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe486  September 11, 2021 - Is Denial always a precursor to a Cover Up?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe487  September 13, 2021 - Good Reading
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe488  September 15, 2021 - Msg to my present moment father
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe489  September 19, 2021 - Christianity in a nutshell - Dan NBarker
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe490  September 25, 2021 - The toxic nature of the White Christian Culture
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe491  September 27, 2021 - Bid by Catholic church to stop child sexual abuse case rejected by NSW supreme court
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe492  September 27, 2021 - Non Secular influence and interference we encounter under a Scott Morrison administration
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe493  September 27, 2021 - Do Secular Australians encounter unjustifiably oppressive circumstances when attempting to seek Secular government or health related services?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe494  September 27, 2021 - Why is Dissociation so common in Trauma yet so difficult to be diagnosed with?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe495  September 29, 2021 - Why you can never truly be an ex-Catholic or Who owns you?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe496  Your rights to recovery and reunification from those you were alienated from for the greater part of your life
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe497  October links to Science and evidence of Trauma relevent research
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe498  Ben, a safe and healthy young Millenial
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe499  ''Australian Catholics are having a reckoning moment. Here's what young believers think''
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe500  Pondering the reality of a Covid Vacination in a predominantly Christian Biased Society
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe501  I want a way to see that there is some hope of it all ending
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe502  Endless crime by religions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe503  Trauma Incident Recorder DESIGN MODE
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe504  Should failed religions be afforded funding and protection in Australia?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe505  Grace Tame's ''6 Stages of Grooming'' in a Catholic context
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe506  ''Victims of Crime Victoria'' in a Catholic context
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe507  ''Conversations with a Mad Man''
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe508  Imagine that you are 4 or 5 year old child and you suffered a severe psychological encounter
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe509  Bullying with Murderous Intention or Suicidal Hopes is a popular Tactic in some Groups
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe510  The reality of Trauma in Religion in 2021 Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe511  From my archives - 2017
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe512  From Sunday, 21 November 2021
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe513  PolyVagal Theory
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe514  So %#%# predictable
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe515  The veneration of child abuse
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe516  Freedom of Religion and the Perfect Protection Racket
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe517  The Best Mobster Advice
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe518  every child who encounters existential threat at the hands of the Christian concept of a god
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe519  Now there is Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn and the FAQyMe Effect
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe520  Me, the DSM, the ICD, governments, the law, my mental health and recovery
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe521  The average 10 year old child in an Internet connected family
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe522  Hop Harrigan and Electric cars
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe523  Fiddling with strings and arrays
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe524  testing
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe525  On my apprenticeship into Functional Catholicism
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe526  Trialing transcription services
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe527  Customs of Fraud and Deception of Children celebrated again by some
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe528  Are you beginning to wonder about the Catholic church?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe529  Natural v refined chemistry medication regimes
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe530  Guardian reporter Jonathan Freedland singularly solves the global child and other abuse issues
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe531  My friend, Dick, the three-headed extra-terrestial God
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe532  Toowoomba girl's death
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe533  Finding safe, recovery enabling support services
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe534  Me and my Lord
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe535  The Startle response
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe536  Has the word Survivor lost it's power?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe537  Are Australian Catholics 'Foreign Agents'?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe538  A flip-bit alpha particle and the Pope
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe539  Sea of Destruction Amos Guiora
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe540  Reggie Dadarino
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe541  Fraud Test
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe542  The defining of RC Syndrome as a condition of clergy abuse. When Syndrome becomes Culture
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe543  What your priest forgot to tell you about being Human
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe544  Have we been gypped?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe545  Autobiographical Narratives, Mindfulness, Coaching and Talking Therapies
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe546  While rummaging through my file system
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe547  Connect Live : My current bout of Chronic Cultural Traumatic Stress
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe548  Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe549  Must reads - Finding validation for methods of recovery
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe550  Please let me introduce John Brown
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe551  If Ford, Tesla, NASA or other corporations or businesses were known to be housing 10 pedophilese
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe552  My Billion $ Challenge to Musk, Gates, Bezos and more
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe553  S44(i) Australian Constitution
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe554  Following Power and Money via the Sovereign State of the Roman Catholic Religion
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe555  Enablement is a many headed beast
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe556  rights of the child
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe557  Design a Culture that would allow rape to be protected like ours does
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe558  Failure to keep up with the Evidence
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe559  Allegiance to a foreign, soverign state
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe560  Rolling with it - smoking as a shield
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe561  Marita Murphy and John Brown - what are they talking about?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe562  DARVO
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe563  Note to the world: Technology kids, Millennials and those raised with a mouse in their hand
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe564  Do You belong to a Protected Supernatural Culture?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe565  You have been temporarily redirected - see below for details
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe566  A Dabble into Dysfunctional Intergenerational Trauma
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe567  'He was dad to me': Child safety sent Isabella to live with two paedophiles
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe568  We humans are complex creatures with unique needs
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe569  NZ Royal Commission and UN committee against torture
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe570  Degrees of insanity, trauma, torture and denial of human reality
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe571  Living a Life Outside of Probability
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe572  God publicly fails yet again in front of the entirety of the universe
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe573  God's continuing failures together with the coercive men of the Vatican
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe574  It's not a lot to ask when the Human Rights of children are at stake
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe575  The Last of the Infallible and Coercive Religions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe576  Team JohnB and my conversation with the QLD Government
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe577  Did conspiracy theorists see that one coming?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe578  What the Child Abuse Cover Up is really about
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe579  Trade relations with human rights abusing states
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe580  On the pope's gaslighting and fraudulent apology in Canada
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe581  The FAQyMe Gene touches people differently
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe582  Elon unexpectedly touched by the FAQyMe Gene
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe583  Some things to note July 2022
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe584  had a happenstance today
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe585  Dissociative Explorations
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe586  How complex does it get
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe587  Our world is more make-believe than reality
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe588  Suffer the Children: From Fanaticism to Mental Illness
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe589  My research says Roman Catholics are today's largest identified group of victims of active and ongoing Human Rights crimes
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe590  What would Jesus do?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe591  Ah Catholicism - the safe, government supported and funded, prefered torturers of children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe592  The Tipping Point for Catholicism and Christianity
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe593  Assessed on the basis of your mental health or on the basis of your religious beliefs
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe594  Don't You talk to my God about Denial!
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe595  Of course they knew all along - silly you
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe596  Australia's greatest public lie
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe597  What the Gods have brought us
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe598  100 Years of Judaeo Christian heritage
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe599  Right before your eyes Australia enacted a major human rights crime against individuals and specific sections of its communities.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe600  We need a National Plan - worthy goal to pursue
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe601  It's either Earth or the Universe
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe602  Culture is like this
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe603  Why should we trade with this non-democratic, state based religion?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe604  Why?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe605  What is it?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe606  Another look at Attempt to Pervert the Course of Justice
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe607  Nothing to see here
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe608  catholic-hospitals-denying-womens-healthcare
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe609  The 'journey to justice' is so great for many of us that it can only be described as toxic systemic, human rights abusing failure
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe610  70 Years seeking Justice in the Lucky Country
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe611  Don't send Love; send Help. Successfully silenced or not?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe612  We are a product of our history and historic environment - What Lead the Romans to be Quite so Brutal?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe613  Indoctrination
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe614  The case of John Brown
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe615  You get that when you live in a toxic God based rape culture
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe616  Why Rudd and Albanese are not my first choices in moral leadership in our Secular country
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe617  Here it is - Please help John and others obtain Justice
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe618  Being the subject of prolonged fraud in the lucky country
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe619  Justice in Australia is not meant to be 'This difficult'
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe620  Grand Fraud in the Lucky Country of Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe621  The case of John Brown
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe622  HELP
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe623  If you treasure democracy and justice in Australia you need to read this
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe624  Because Australia repeatedly failed me I need your support and assistance
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe625  Urgent - Please forward to any of the following
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe626  Help bring justice after 70 years of injustice
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe627  John and Australia need your support and action
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe628  Survivors of CSA wanting your support
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe629  Do this now so that others can obtain justice as well
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe630  On the Catholic Cover Up
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe631  On the Extreme Oath of the Jesuits
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe632  On the Consistency of Crimes within Roman Catholicism
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe633  Do Coins have more than 3 sides?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe634  The Problem with Autism's Double Empathy Problem
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe635  Brendan Watkins asking ''Why me?''
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe636  Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe637  To all those who enter this place!
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe638  Speaking Out - Can You Assist
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe639  Our Tears only show when we cry
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe640  Our Tears don't make a Sound when We Cry, but now We can be be Heard
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe641  Is chatGPT Mentally Stable? Does chatGPT reflect the real state of our Mental Health?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe642  Does chatGPT reflect the real state of our Mental Health?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe643  chatGPT on the DSM
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe644  Organised Religion at it's core is Intergenerational Trauma
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe645  US Law Firm sets high global standards and provides a wealth of quality information
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe646  A review of Christian history
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe647  Does Perrottet suffer as a result of the FAQyMe Gene?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe648  Governments continue to miss the fact that the Holy See and Vatican are legal entities
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe649  Are you in Denial? Free under 3 minute test.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe650  By God I was defrauded and scammed and now I want my Money back
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe651  From my understanding what the government continues to miss
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe652  Are You a Safe Person for those Abused as Children?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe653  Is God a ruthless bastard or is he a ...
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe654  Weeping and begging Fraudulent Faithfull Catholic
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe655  Predatory Catholic Women
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe656  Our leaders reality does not comport with the evidence of being human
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe657  A fool admits it... a liar denies it
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe658  Video info + Ponzie Purple and Greedy Gold t-shirt momentoe
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe659  How The FAQyMe Gene was found on the Internet
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe660  Our PM and Premiers have it Wrong and We Lose because of it
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe661  Why does the law only give the complainant the status of witness?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe662  Is social media a legal and valid way of contacting politicians or a Premier or Chief Minister?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe663  What are the legal, Moral and Social issues that result from governments renaming or rebranding Redress as Acknowledgement?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe664  A legal argument on treason as it is under Australian law
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe665  The big List for a Rainy Day
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe666  Pell's Big Day Out leaves a permanent stain on our history
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe667  This hostile foreign state protects rapists and blocks access to justice
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe668  Reports: Rights of children in NI undermined by religion
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe669  The 42 on the FAQyMe Gene and being human
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe670  PTSD? Worth trying, however please read the cautions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe671  How would you feel if you were as ceased as this?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe672  It's complex from 1948 to 2023
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe673  WANTED Audio or Video of Sessions from the Royal Commission
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe674  That's seriously SNAPped
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe675  Actualy Finding Safety
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe676  On Assessing others and the foreign state of The Vatican
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe677  Were more than 365 women thrust to their death on Palm Island in 2008?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe678  Your legal right to safety and security in Queensland and other state and territory public hospitals
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe679  Pantomime Protection
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe680  Were the Wieambilla police shootings really Australia's first Christian terrorist attack?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe681  Has Australia been a genuine Champion for the Human Rights of Children or have we failed every generation since 1924?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe682  Real stress from planned abandonment; support yourself as help is far off because you are on your own for most of it
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe683  FIELD NOTES: Oppositional defiance, Blockages, Denial, Divided Loyalties - Breaking them Down
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe684  FIELD NOTES: P2
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe685  Frazzled, at a loss Where to next? How to communicate safely with Representatives
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe686  Real unexpected answers as to which came first
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe687  Which specific laws in Victoria in Australia require a convicted and sentenced pedophile for multiple rapes on children to be called a reverend father of the Catholic Church when being referred to in another of his victim's statements?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe688  Can a medical health diagnosis be used to deny a citizen of Australia from receiving justice?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe689  What is due process?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe690  Perrottet unable to ensure the Sexual Safety of Children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe691  Procedural Fairness Australian style
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe692  What should I expect in Queensland regarding Due Process and Procedural Fairness
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe693  Look away as there are Truths here
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe694  Credentials and a Plan
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe695  It's complicated by mysterious things like the delusional human mind
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe696  How paedophile priests in Victoria worked together to share victims
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe697  Circumcised, Baptized, Exorcised, Confirmed twice even though I am not a Christian
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe698  The Urgent Need for Research and Awareness on Trauma, Attachment, and Teenage Mental Health
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe699  Some found this offensive !!!
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe700  What is not weird if you are still Catholic
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe701  Your ride alongside the Final Crash of the Holy Roman Empire
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe702  Exploring the Possible Causes of Clergy Sexual Abuse of Children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe703  A genocidal misogonistic, abusive father wants to go full extreme and have his child publicly tortured and murdered and it's a good day
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe704  Religious organizations, including the Catholic Church, often value their autonomy and independence from external interference.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe705  The default is to trust. Weren't you a silly one.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe706  Take a Friday or a Monday or any other day off
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe707  Interdisciplinary study on the consequences of religious indoctrination research notes: 10 April 2023
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe708  In just 3 countries there have been more than 5,800 Catholic clergy credibly accused of sexually abusing children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe709  ''Recovery'' Now that is a word not spoken often enough
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe710  Can You see the problem here?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe711  Today it can still be a bit restrictive on Social Media
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe712  Australia consistently fails again when it comes to women and children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe713  Fuck when words almost fail me
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe714  Theocratic serfdom
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe715  There was an event today
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe716  Scum bags : Hon Clare O'Neil MP Minister for Cyber Security Minister for Home Affairs
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe717  Justice as a Human Right or just between Royal mates
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe718  We calculate the Year that Catholicism brings equality for women to its Church
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe719  Calling John McVeigh
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe720  We live in a delusional world
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe721  Just Me inside my brain and ChatGPT4
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe722  Ability to pay
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe723  From a Veteran
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe724  Crimes of the State - State Violence - Abusing the People
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe725  More on the Decree Crimen and why QLD police do not investigate the Catholic Church
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe726  From God to God and on to God ad infinitum
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe727  50 of the most recent apologies by the Vatican for their criminal actions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe728  How ChatGPT4 sees me
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe729  How ChatGPT4 sees Kay Ebeling; The City of Angels Lady.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe730  UPDATED: The AI and Ken Kosiorek.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe731  The unforgettable work of Ken Kosiorek as Baja Turtle and his advocacy work for disadvantaged children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe732  Ken Kosiorek - Educating to End Abuse show
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe733  Going mythical: 1 The belief that a sexual relationship between clergy and a parishioner is consensual
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe734  Going mythical: 2 The myth that sexual assault by clergy is about sex rather than power and control
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe735  Going mythical: 3 "The dirty old man myth"
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe736  Going mythical: 4 The seductress myth
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe737  Going mythical: 5 The myth that women are attracted to the "forbidden"
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe738  Going mythical: 6 The seductress myth together with the 'affair myth'
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe739  A Statement from Hearts Scarred by Religious Institutions, Revised for Self-Sovereignty
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe740  How an AI would fix the Catholic Church's Sexual Abuse Issues
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe741  Upholding the Law: A Global Examination of Governmental Regulation and Independent Oversight in Religious Institutions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe742  Bridging Borders: The Imperative of International Cooperation in Battling Abuse within Religious Institutions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe743  The Veil Lifted: Unraveling Church's Shadows through Transparency and Accountability
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe744  Fostering Light in the Shadows: The Crux of Education and Training in Religious Institutions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe745  Corporate Crusaders: Leading the Charge Against Abuse
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe746  The Grassroots Crusade: Igniting Change from Within
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe747  Empowered Voices: The Ripple Effect of Individual and Community Actions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe748  Empowered Voices: The Ripple Effect of Individual and Community Actions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe749  Harnessing Digital Power: Technological Solutions in Battling Abuse
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe750  Sowing Seeds of Evidence: Cultivating a Rational Culture within the Church
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe751  Religious Freedom and Sovereignty
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe752  Journeys for Justice: The Marita Murphy story
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe753  Journeys for Justice: The Redress and Other Fictional Stories
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe754  Up to 50 million alive on any day who have been raped or abused by Catholic clergy &/or Catholic laity
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe755  Do Catholics have Human Rights when they are Children?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe756  RFG: Advancing Parliamentary Pathways for Facilitating Disassociation from the Roman Catholic Church
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe757  Defrauded for a Lifetime
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe758  Assessing your Individual Common Adverse Religious Experiences (CARE)
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe759  When Leadership Fails: The Impact of Clergy Abuse and Whistleblower Challenges in Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe760  Impact of Clergy Abuse and Whistleblower Failures in Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe761  Adult Common Adverse Religious Experiences (A-CARE) Assessment
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe762  Ethical Framework for Handling Sensitive Documents
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe763  Estimating the numbers global
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe764  Estimating the numbers Ireland
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe765  Estimating the numbers USA Diocese
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe766  Estimating the numbers USA states
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe767  Estimating the numbers Australia locality
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe768  Estimating the numbers Australia Diocese
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe769  Estimating the numbers Australia states
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe770  Estimating-the-numbers-australia-locality
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe771  Add the numbers for your diocese from anywhere in the world
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe772  Enthusiasm is key to succes
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe773  Younger Children (Grades 1-3) Assessment
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe774  Middle Grade Children (Grades 4-6) Assessment
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe775  Older Children (Grades 7-9) Assessment
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe776  High School Students (Grades 10-12) Assessment
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe777  Global based on data from Spain
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe778  Is Christianity also in Denial of our human reality?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe779  Health Denial Assessment?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe780  Relationships Denial Assesment?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe781  Work Denial Assessment?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe782  Addiction Denial Assessment?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe783  Are Christian God based Solutions Possible?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe784  God based venial serial senility & denial
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe785  Reviewing the Global Clergy Abuse Crisis in 2023
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe786  Continuing the abuse of children by celibate Catholic clergy
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe787  Extreme prejudice and malicious intent3
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe788  Extreme prejudice and malicious intent
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe789  RFG: The Reality Field Guide: A hint of Justice
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe790  RFG: Constitutional Reform
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe791  RFG: Constitutional Reform 1
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe792  RFG: Constitutional Reform 2
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe793  RFG: Constitutional Reform 3
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe794  Ade O'Maolain on Catholic child trafficking
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe795  RFG: A brief Critical Examination of Freedom of Religion
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe796  RFG: Managing Failed Foreign Allegiances as a Step Towards a Child Safe World
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe797  RFG: How the Catholic Church and religions have exploited Australia's charity sector and justice system to cover up their crimes of child abuse
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe798  The Master Plan
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe799  RFG: Laws or Principles that could be legislated to bring a stop to sexual abuses by clergy
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe800  RFG: Can Medical and other Professionals become complicit in obstructing and perverting the course of justice in Australia?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe801  I have what they are missing. But then I got this
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe802  ... and then Marita came back into my life bringing smiles
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe803  Schistposting in your diapirs
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe804  Bing Researching Lion's Mane Fungi
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe805  An Unsavoury Tale
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe806  RFG: 2024 Survivor's High Court challenge of the legitimacy of the Catholic Church
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe807  JohnB is Me
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe808  RFG: Do you really want to be this way in 2024?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe809  RFG: Compare the output from these AI
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe810  RFG: Are we getting good Moral and Practical Value from our Charity Spend?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe811  RFG: What would survivors of CSA by clergy need to get a human rights challenge mounted
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe812  What an AI has to say about The FAQyMe Gene
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe813  Who am I?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe814  My Best DiD Survival Tactics at Play
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe815  Finding Reality and Your Genuine Self
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe816  Words by Kay Ebeling
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe817  In What Ways Do You Project?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe818  RFG: Career Cougers, Angel protectors or just Private School Mums
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe819  Recovery from a Dissociative event happens when we repair the disconnection.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe820  RFG: Foreign State Immunity, Personal Injury and more
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe821  RFG: Foreign State intrusions into Personal Injury, Health, Human Rights and more
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe822  Am I Culturally diverse?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe823  Me and my MRI
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe824  Abuse involving nuns
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe825  RFG: Foreign state has harmful impact on Mental Health of many Australians
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe826  RFG: Accountability and responsibility of charities in providing care and justice to abuse survivors
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe827  RFG: Accountability and responsibility of charities in providing care and justice to abuse survivors
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe828  RFG: Involvement, Engagement, Unity, and a Safe Protective Future
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe829  Intergrated System - The Song-Lines of a Trauma Survivor
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe830  Elon Musk @elonmusk challenges Australias God Driven Governments
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe831  Time for an evolving Bill of Rights for Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe832  A real opportunity for God to speak to the World
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe833  #Project833: Urgent Need for Legislation to Ensure Accountability of Religious Institutions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe834  #Project833: Your Draft on the Need for Legislation to Ensure Accountability of Religious Institutions
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe835  #Project833: Comparing Church of England and other religion reforms
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe836  DRAFT 1 : Bill of Rights Concept : Funding Proposal
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe837  AI explains Australia's Racism - It's Madness. I tell You it's Madness
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe838  DRAFT 2 : Bill of Rights Concept : Open Letter to the Australian Public
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe839  Proposal for Bill of Rights Concept
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe840  Abusive institutions in New Zealand
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe841  The longest Catholic Meme in the Universe
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe842  Engaging in government directed Christian Obligations in Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe843  #Psychocriminal
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe844  Take Action: Defend and Protect Australian Child Victims, Democracy and Justice
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe845  Unveiling the Shadows: A Call for Justice and a Universal Bill of Rights in Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe846  Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Responses to Historical Abuse
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe847  Addressing Modern-day Human Slavery in Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe848  Putting Power in the Hands of the People
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe849  Preventing access to Harmful Content
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe850  The Contradiction of Religious Freedom: Christian Advocacy and Government Intervention
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe851  Denial as Both a Tool and a Weapon
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe852  Resilience and Recovery: A 61-Year Journey from Diaphragmatic Hernia to Rehabilitation
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe853  Maxims and Aphorisms
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe854  Got Them by the NACC Act
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe855  Engaging with Agents of a Foreign Sovereign entity
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe856  Creating a digital hub
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe857  Trauma in Religion - On its Origins and Impacts
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe858  Re Data Breach Laws in Australia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe859  Is the concept of a 'God mind worm'a provocative metaphor?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe860  How Christianity Directly Influences Your World on a Daily Basis
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe861  Pattern Matching and Christianity
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe862  All forms of governance are corrupt or are being corrupted
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe863  Man Punches a Women in the Face and Wins World Acclaim and a Gold Medal for Doing It.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe864  My AI and I.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe865  Making out again.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe866  10 Years on and God is still Regularly Failing Humanity
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe867  Just dabbling, hypothesising and cogitating
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe868  2006 Freda Briggs interview on the Global Clergy Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe869  The Global Clergy Abuse Crisis Cover-Up: A Brief Overview
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe870  Adverse religious experiences - AGE is Your Adverse Godly Experiences
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe871  Evaluating the Mental and Ethical Fitness of Catholic Church Leaders and Supporting Systems
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe872  Were You Successfully Indoctrinated before You could Think or Decide? Were You Successfully Hijacked as a Young Child?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe873  Conspiracies; You Simply Cannot Avoid them.
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe874  Why the resistance in Australia towards adopting a Bill of Rights?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe875  A Bad Day in the Making
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe876  Resistance to an Australian Bill of Rights: Fear of Judicial Overreach
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe877  Threat of eviction in the middle of Trying to make a few things accessible
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe878  The Need for a Living Bill of Rights and more from the people
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe879  A Beacon of Hope and a Dream of a New Era
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe880  Resistance to an Australian Bill of Rights: Economic and Social Implications
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe881  Resistance to an Australian Bill of Rights: Historical Rejections and Public Sentiment
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe882  Protecting Children: The Need for a Broader Approach Beyond Social Media
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe883  Navigating the Complexities of Dual Loyalties: Legal Challenges and Strategies for Accountability
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe884  Our Constitution is Outdated and Inflexible - Check Out this Viable Fix
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe885  The Season of Reflection: Protecting the Innocence of Children in Forever Troubled Times
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe886  Abuse by Religious in Australia: Scale and Response
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe887  On Cults and their Application to the Catholic Religion
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe888  Who of us are not encapsulated or mired into the toxic doings of a cult?
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe889  The Vatican needs to confront its drug problem
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe890  Merry or Manufactured? Seasonal Norms, Language Control or Just Going Along With It
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe891  Children's Minds Under Siege: The Psychological Impact of Exposure to Religious and Institutional Trauma Narratives
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe892  Take a moment in your day to ask the President of the Republic of France to bestow the highest possible honour on Gisèle Pelicot for what she has done for France and the world's women and children
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe893  Me, my AI and Dissociative Amnesia
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe894  Asking Perplexity AI about Us
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe895  Asking Grok AI about Us
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe896  Asking ChatGPT Scholar AI about Us
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe897  Asking CoPilot AI about Us
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe898  Asking Claude AI about Us
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe899  Grok, Free Speech and a Living Bill of Rights Conversation
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe900  2025 and the Year of Moral Engagement
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe901  The Great Diagnosis of 2025
     FAQyMe #FAQyMe902  Grok weighs in on the Great Diagnosis of 2025

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TiR Trauma in Religion || The FAQyMe Gene || TiRcorder || Memes || Memories || Paul Levey || MiMo || Skarbek


      #Meme0  The Future Lost
      #Meme1  The Future
      #Meme2  Failed Futures
      #Meme3  Men on a rampage
      #Meme4  It's law
      #Meme5  Fakery and mythology at every level
      #Meme6  A mockery of so-called justice
      #Meme7  Bizarre mental health treatment
      #Meme8  Psychologically trapped as a child
      #Meme9  Missing Ethics
      #Meme10  Shame Australia; how could you?
      #Meme11  Children in perpetual bondage
      #Meme12  A How-To damage vulnerable children
      #Meme13  Supreme Beings, Gods & Demons
      #Meme14  Flawed cultures create flawed countries and abused children
      #Meme15  Systemic and endemic bigotry
      #Meme16  Bizarre mental health treatment
      #Meme17  Disturbing Reality
      #Meme18  Undisturbed Reality
      #Meme19  Daily issues in our flawed culture
      #Meme20  Flawed culture and flawed community
      #Meme21  Flawed cultures create flawed countries and abused children
      #Meme22  Flawed cultures create flawed countries and abused children
      #Meme23  Flawed cultures create flawed countries and abused children
      #Meme24  Flawed cultures create flawed countries and abused children
      #Meme25  Yours and my reality in 2019
      #Meme26  Yours and my reality in 2019 Not just the Church
      #Meme27  Yours and my reality in 2019
      #Meme28  On the ground survivor reality
      #Meme29  The Christian God is not the first apologizing supreme being
      #Meme30  The Catholic Dream in 2019
      #Meme31  Reality 2019
      #Meme32  Reality 2019
      #Meme33  On the failure to obtain justice for those abused in and by institutions and those who run them
      #Meme34  Australia a reality of 2019
      #Meme35  Religious ownership in 2019 Australia
      #Meme36  Australia and the digital revolution in 2019
      #Meme37  Was this a part of the Digital revolution?
      #Meme38  The US God exported to Australia is a failure in 2019
      #Meme39  Is failure a real possibly in 2019
      #Meme40  Your Reality for 2019 - Human Rights what Human Rights are those here in Australia?
      #Meme41  Our Reality for 2019 is an Australia with aspiration only for Human Rights
      #Meme42  All God's must abide by Human Rights
      #Meme43  A difference between the Catholic Church and I
      #Meme44  My Reality July 2019
      #Meme45  A Chilling Reality 2019
      #Meme46  A Bizarre Reality for many still in 2019
      #Meme47  Wanted a Human Rights protecting leader for Australia
      #Meme48  Religious rights and freedoms Australia 2019
      #Meme49  Religious rights and freedoms Australia 2019
      #Meme50  Delusional Religious Ideals of Scott Morrison the Prime Minister of Australia 2019 Failure 1
      #Meme51  The Many Voices of Forgotten Australians a Podcast with Glen Fisher author of Predators Paradise
      #Meme52  How to hide from predators
      #Meme53  Home Wanted
      #Meme54  Australian definitions or how to cheat and lie with a grin
      #Meme55  Renaming crimes against humanity Australian style
      #Meme56  Go on. Tell me you didn't realize the truth until just recently
      #Meme57  Australia redefining hypocrisy Scomo style
      #Meme58  What role did papal knights play in the sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy?
      #Meme59  Whose person are you?
      #Meme60  Reality 2019
      #Meme61  Do you know what fair and equal governance is?
      #Meme62  Representative governance is not possible this way
      #Meme63  Reality 2019
      #Meme64  Make the old system feel sufficient pressure to cause them to let go enough to allow progress and recovery pressure
      #Meme65  Reality or mythology in 2019
      #Meme66  On the maturing of millennials in 2020
      #Meme67  Do you recall this reality that still exists in 2019
      #Meme68  The reality of The Catholic Church and its money in 2019
      #Meme69  Survivor reality matters in a 2019 democratic secular country
      #Meme70  How is that thing with an all powerful and all loving and all caring supreme being working out for all humanity?
      #Meme71  Some progress in being able to unemotionally review event from 1962 - 1970
      #Meme72  Bizarre redress moments
      #Meme73  More bizarre redress moments
      #Meme74  More bizarre redress moments
      #Meme75  Your government and it's protected god
      #Meme76  Come forward and we will support you before, during and after
      #Meme77  Australia where your PM loves you
      #Meme78  Business usual 2019
      #Meme79  The right to rule in 2019
      #Meme80  Guess Who!
      #Meme81  Podcast Fodder :
      #Meme82  Reality 2019
      #Meme83  Reality 2019
      #Meme84  This bizarre irrational state exists as a global reality in 2019
      #Meme85  Intro to reality in a Catholic childhood
      #Meme86  Reality of a Catholic childhood
      #Meme87  Ooooops - God fails again in 2019
      #Meme88  Reality 2019
      #Meme89  Ooooops Australia you screwed up again
      #Meme90  You can spend a lifetime trying to forget a
few minutes of your childhood
or you can
      #Meme91  Australian Values and principles
of ethical conduct
      #Meme92  Are you a human being that is
more humane than currently known
Supreme Beings and Gods?
      #Meme93  Can you stand idly by while
clergy rape children?
      #Meme94  Your governmenst failed to get it right
      #Meme95  Gods or children
      #Meme96  Deliberate choices!!!
      #Meme97  Survival stratergy
      #Meme98  Forced Bonding to Insanity
      #Meme99  When myths demand children as their own the children suffer and die
      #Meme100  The rules for child abuse
      #Meme101  The ultimate hand of fraud
      #Meme102  Government approved chuild abuse
      #Meme103  The fodder that abuses the human rights of children
      #Meme104  Mental Health
      #Meme105  Can youi make reason of this?
      #Meme106  Are you making sense?
      #Meme107  All parasites evolve:
      #Meme108  Seeking assurances of ethically approved safety guidelines:
      #Meme109  Queesnland Law:
      #Meme110  Child safety
      #Meme111  Short changed by democracy
or what drove the cover up:
      #Meme112  Make all steps forward steps:
      #Meme113  What drove the cover up?:
      #Meme114  What drove the cover up?:
      #Meme115  What drove the cover up?:
      #Meme116  What drove the cover up?:
      #Meme117  What parts of the cover up survive today?:
      #Meme118  What still drives the cover up?:
      #Meme119  The Catholic religion needs to :
      #Meme120  Reality check Australia
      #Meme121  A Catholic career by design and generations of implementation
      #Meme122  No education is better than a corrupt education
      #Meme123  A shunned and molested left handed Catholic
      #Meme124  Traumatic or willful blindness?
      #Meme125  Connections to a failed religion
      #Meme126  A Social, Secular, Democratic Failure
      #Meme127  What justice and a fair go in 2019 Australia is for Institutional abuse survivors
      #Meme128  The $150,000 Redress maximum matches precisely that of the Catholic Church's globally common payout figure.
      #Meme129  Religions are thousands of years old
      #Meme130  Bliss in ignorance
      #Meme131  Leadership bias and ignorance in the digital age must be eliminated if Human Rights are to be a reality in Australia.
      #Meme132  The response of governments right across Australia to the findings of the Royal Commission is appalling
      #Meme133  We want your knowledge and considered opinions as input here
      #Meme134  Get outraged all you want about what the bishop said.
      #Meme135  Orders of magnitude
      #Meme136  You and I both dissociate
      #Meme137  Self management assistance
      #Meme138  Day to Day
      #Meme139  Have you ever wished for a secular political representative or do you find this to be a morally repugnant process?
      #Meme140  Expectation of a Catholic Apology
      #Meme141  Full text
      #Meme142  Australia, the country that identifies itself as a secular democracy
      #Meme143  Accident of Birth
      #Meme144  Being born into a God based death and rape culture
      #Meme145  Being born into a God based death and rape culture
      #Meme146  Being born into a God based death and rape culture
      #Meme147  Being born into a God based death and rape culture
      #Meme148  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme149  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme150  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme151  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme152  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme153  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme154  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme155  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme156  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme157  What is your score
      #Meme158  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme159  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme160  Quick conversation fillers.
      #Meme161  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme162  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme163  You woke one day knowing you had the misfortune to have been born into a God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme164  A most fitting description
      #Meme165  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme166  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture
      #Meme167  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme168  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme169  If you serve the public you must serve all people
      #Meme170  Let the facts and reality speak for themselves
      #Meme171  The will of the Australian people never had it's day.
      #Meme173  Australian born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme174  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme175  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme176  The converted, deceived and abused.
      #Meme177  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme178  BiPolar is when your plastic brain hardwires itself
      #Meme179  Australian and born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture.
      #Meme180  Australian with two Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture in 1948.
      #Meme181  Australian with two Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture in 1948.
      #Meme182  Australian with two Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture in 1948.
      #Meme183  Australian with two Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture in 1948.
      #Meme184  Australian with two Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture in 1948.
      #Meme185  Australian with two Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture in 1948.
      #Meme186  Australian with two Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture in 1948.
      #Meme187  Australian with two Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture in 1948.
      #Meme188  Australian with two Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based fear, threat, death, rape and cover up culture in 1948.
      #Meme189  Australian with two Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based fear, threat, abuse, death, suffering, rape and cover up culture in 1948.
      #Meme190  Australian with two Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based fear, threat, abuse, death, suffering, rape and cover up culture in 1948.
      #Meme191  Australian with a stable anterior cingulate cortex and left Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based fear, threat, abuse, death, suffering, rape and cover up culture in 1948.
      #Meme192  Australian with a stable anterior cingulate cortex and left Amygdala born into a constitutionally protected God based fear, threat, abuse, death, suffering, rape and cover up culture in 1948.
      #Meme193  Survivor of high functioning narcisism in our elected representatives
      #Meme194  Survivor of high functioning narcisism.
      #Meme195  Another day another perspective
      #Meme196  When your PM is a part of the Cover Up
      #Meme197  Why Christians pollute our secular governments
      #Meme198  They take no prisoners
      #Meme199  It is not justice when you have to permit yourself to be traumatized again and again
      #Meme200  In criminal law, the general maxim is that the defendant must ''take their victims as they find them''
      #Meme201  Divert, delay, defer
      #Meme202  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme203  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme204  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme205  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme206  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme207  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme208  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme209  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme210  JohnB 1987
      #Meme211  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme212  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme213  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme214  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme215  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme216  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme217  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme218  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme219  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme220  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme221  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme222  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme223  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme224  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme225  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme226  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme227  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme228  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme229  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme230  The misfortune of being born into a God based death and rape culture is a rights abuse against the child
      #Meme231  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme232  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme233  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme234  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme235  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme236  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme237  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme238  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme239  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme240  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme241  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme242  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme243  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme244  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme245  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme246  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme247  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme248  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme249  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme250  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme251  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme252  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme253  The default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust. Robert M. Sapolsky.
      #Meme254  Measuring commercial and criminal success

TiR Trauma in Religion || The FAQyMe Gene || TiRcorder || Memes || Memories || Paul Levey || MiMo || Skarbek


Memory #0, July 2022 Dissociative Explorations on early Music
Memory #1, July 2022 Dissociative Explorations of what drives me at times
Memory #2, July 2022 Dissociative Explorations of a Dissociated person
Memory #3, July 2022 Better management of my dissociation
Memory #4, July 2022 Better management of my acquired early dissociative/anticipatory connection with Tobacco and the risks and chances that come from a feeling of safety, my ability to take a proper breath is hampered by the constant need to be on perpetual alert.
Memory #5, July 2022 Better management of my dissociated connection with low blood pressure when standing
Memory #6, July 2022 Taking the time to make a filter and find parts is occupying the most critical moments re my safety and release
Memory #7, July 2022 The Goal of Better Management
Memory #8, July 2022 Make the days allocation - move the ritual aspect as well
Memory #9, July 2022 I Found MySelf ...
Memory #10, July 2022 Enough

TiR Trauma in Religion || The FAQyMe Gene || TiRcorder || Memes || Memories || Paul Levey || MiMo || Skarbek

Paul Levey

About my life and my abuse by the Catholic paedophile priest Gerald Francis Ridsdale About my life and my abuse by the Catholic paedophile priest Gerald Francis Ridsdale
Sunbury protest Videos December 2016Sunbury protest Videos December 2016
Sunbury Mens Survivors Support Group 1Sunbury Mens Survivors Support Group 1
Sunbury Mens Survivors Support Group 2Sunbury Mens Survivors Support Group 2
Rome. All roads lead to the paedophile capital of the world 1Rome. All roads lead to the paedophile capital of the world 1
Rome. All roads lead to the paedophile capital of the world 2Rome. All roads lead to the paedophile capital of the world 2
Rome. All roads lead to the paedophile capital of the world 3Rome. All roads lead to the paedophile capital of the world 3
Sunbury protest Images 1 December 2016Sunbury protest Images 1 December 2016
Sunbury protest Images 2 December 2016Sunbury protest Images 2 December 2016
Sunbury protest Images 3 December 2016Sunbury protest Images 3 December 2016
Sunbury protest Images 4 December 2016Sunbury protest Images 4 December 2016
Sunbury protest Images 5 December 2016Sunbury protest Images 5 December 2016
Harley happiness 1Harley happiness 1
Harley happiness 2Harley happiness 2
Pedo RockPedo Rock
2016 >>> 20172016 >>> 2017
Rider friendlyRider friendly
LOUD, proud and determinedLOUD, proud and determined
Albury via Shepparton rideAlbury via Shepparton ride
Mum's Place January 2017 #1Mum's Place January 2017 #1
Mum's Place January 2017 #2Mum's Place January 2017 #2
Mum's Place January 2017 #3Mum's Place January 2017 #3
Mum's Place January 2017 #4Mum's Place January 2017 #4
Mum's Place January 2017 #5Mum's Place January 2017 #5
Mum's Place January 2017 #6Mum's Place January 2017 #6
Mum's Place January 2017 #7Mum's Place January 2017 #7
My childhood was stolen which fucked my whole adult life PaulMy childhood was stolen which fucked my whole adult life Paul

TiR Trauma in Religion || The FAQyMe Gene || TiRcorder || Memes || Memories || Paul Levey || MiMo || Skarbek


Abuse at MHS MiMo My Life as a Survivor Abuse at MHS
Feeling liberated MiMo My Life as a Survivor Feeling liberated
Abuse at MHS MiMo My Life as a Survivor Abuse at MHS
Abuse at MHS MiMo My Life as a Survivor Abuse at MHS

TiR Trauma in Religion || The FAQyMe Gene || TiRcorder || Memes || Memories || Paul Levey || MiMo || Skarbek


About Januscz Skarbek 
Decision handed down 7 December 2016 in The Supreme Court of Victoria Januscz Skarbek - and - The Society of Jesus in Victoria and Others 7 December 2016 
Decision handed down 26 October 2016 in The Supreme Court of Victoria Januscz Skarbek - and - The Society of Jesus in Victoria and Others 26 October 2016 

TiR Trauma in Religion || The FAQyMe Gene || TiRcorder || Memes || Memories || Paul Levey || MiMo || Skarbek

Welcome to Democracy via a living Bill of Rights

In a parliamentary democracy, the parliament enjoys the benefits of democracy, while the rest of us receive a diluted and often inadequate form of representation. This representation is repeatedly influenced by the commercial interests of major corporations and institutions, aligning the entire country with their wants and philosophies.

The people have never been given a direct avenue to contribute meaningfully in the directions and decisions of their country despite this being technically achievable. This is particularly evident in the context of a people of Australia directed and engaged Bill of Rights.

Here is an enduring and enabling opportunity for every Australian now and on into the future. There simply is not anything greater that we could enable for our future generations.

The mind of a three-year-old child is as expansive as the universe. How we treat our children during these early years profoundly shapes their growth and development, ultimately shaping the world we live in. Make this the opportunity to put control of our destiny in the hands of the people on into the future.

Donate, always make time for good things to happen; you can do that here simply by participating.

See also:
Published: Thursday 30 May, 2024 Civil and Political Rights, Commission – Government must seize the moment for a National Human Rights Act

Donate to support this Bill of Rights

Section 44 of the Constitution states:

44. Any person who –
(i.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power:
shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives. more ...

The Reality Field Guide for this inclusive, evolving, living and enabling Bill of Rights for all Australians from now and on into the best possible future for all of us.

Putting Power in the Hands of the People
Addressing Modern-day Human Slavery in Australia
Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Responses to Historical Abuse
Unveiling the Shadows: A Call for Justice and a Universal Bill of Rights in Australia
Take Action: Defend and Protect Australian Child Victims, Democracy and Justice
Proposal for Bill of Rights Concept
DRAFT 2 : Bill of Rights Concept : Open Letter to the Australian Public
DRAFT 1 : Bill of Rights Concept : Funding Proposal
A real opportunity for God to speak to the World
Time for an evolving Bill of Rights for Australia
RFG: Involvement, Engagement, Unity, and a Safe Protective Future
RFG: Accountability and responsibility of charities in providing care and justice to abuse survivors
RFG: Accountability and responsibility of charities in providing care and justice to abuse survivors
RFG: Foreign state has harmful impact on Mental Health of many Australians
RFG: Foreign State intrusions into Personal Injury, Health, Human Rights and more
RFG: Foreign State Immunity, Personal Injury and more
RFG: Career Cougers, Angel protectors or just Private School Mums
RFG: What would survivors of CSA by clergy need to get a human rights challenge mounted
RFG: Are we getting good Moral and Practical Value from our Charity Spend?
RFG: Compare the output from these AI
RFG: Do you really want to be this way in 2024?
RFG: 2024 Survivor's High Court challenge of the legitimacy of the Catholic Church
RFG: Can Medical and other Professionals become complicit in obstructing and perverting the course of justice in Australia?
RFG: Laws or Principles that could be legislated to bring a stop to sexual abuses by clergy
RFG: How the Catholic Church and religions have exploited Australia's charity sector and justice system to cover up their crimes of child abuse
RFG: Managing Failed Foreign Allegiances as a Step Towards a Child Safe World
RFG: A brief Critical Examination of Freedom of Religion
RFG: Constitutional Reform 3
RFG: Constitutional Reform 2
RFG: Constitutional Reform 1
RFG: Constitutional Reform
RFG: The Reality Field Guide: A hint of Justice
RFG: Advancing Parliamentary Pathways for Facilitating Disassociation from the Roman Catholic Church
Crimes of the State - State Violence - Abusing the People
Procedural Fairness Australian style
Perrottet unable to ensure the Sexual Safety of Children
What is due process?
Has Australia been a genuine Champion for the Human Rights of Children or have we failed every generation since 1924?
Your legal right to safety and security in Queensland and other state and territory public hospitals
On Assessing others and the foreign state of The Vatican
Reports: Rights of children in NI undermined by religion
This hostile foreign state protects rapists and blocks access to justice
A legal argument on treason as it is under Australian law
Our PM and Premiers have it Wrong and We Lose because of it
Allegiance to a foreign, soverign state
Following Power and Money via the Sovereign State of the Roman Catholic Religion
#TLC TheLongConversation

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2023 Findings in Spain found that 0.6% of the population of Spain had been sexually abused by Roman Catholic priests and laity. Up to 50 million alive on any day who have been raped or abused by Catholic clergy &/or Catholic laity

Current world population is 8 billion - 0.6% = 48 million alive today who are likely to have been raped by Catholics globally.

The church protected the perpetrators, not the victims

Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this

"This is a matter for the church and I respect the internal judgements of the church. I don't stand outside the church and provide them with public lectures in terms of how they should behave. I've noted carefully what his Holiness has said in the United States. Obviously that was a source of great comfort and healing in the United States. I'm like all Australians very much looking forward to what the Pope has to say here in Australia as well, as I am to my own conversation with the Pope later this morning." Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia, 17 July 2008. more

If you found this information to be of assistance please don't forget to donate so that we can extend these information pages which are focused on providing knowledge and information to survivor/victims on their Human Rights with justice, compassion and empathy at the fore along with sound knowledge of Human Biology and Psychology, Human Evolution and Neuroscience. Information is not provided as legal or professional advice; it is provided as general information only and requires that you validate any information via your own legal or other professional service providers.

Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this #FAQyMe

Wednesday, 22 June 2022 - I may not have this down syntax, word and letter perfect or with absolute precision in every aspect; however time and the evidence will show that I am closer to the truth than any religion has been or will likely be.
Let history be the standard by which that is measured.

Youtube - listen to Commissioner Bob Atkinson get it wrong - again
The Commissioner informs us that the clergy sexual abuse issue was all over and that it had only been a small statistical glitch around the year 2000. History shows this to have been a display of absolute ignorance on the issue ...

Makarrata : a better future for our children based on justice and self-determination. The Uluru Statement from the Heart. See Yours, mine and Australia's children. I acknowledge the Traditional People and their Ownership of Australia.

   #FAQyMe      #FAQyMeGene      trauma informed     human rights     justice     failed institutions     UN Convention on Human Rights     Rights of the Child and a Bill of Rights for Australia     future     evidence     resilience     not providing or representing a secular Australia      autodidact     religion     human rights     rights of the child     justice for survivors of abuse by religion     The FAQyMe Gene     #RFG Reality Field Guide for an Evolving Bill of Rights      Empowering Communities through Rights and Active Legislation      Human Rights      Living Bill of Rights      Bill of Rights Field Guide      Australian Bill of Rights Evolution Council (ABREC)   

Hegemony: The authority, dominance, and influence of one group, nation, or society over another group, nation, or society; typically through cultural, economic, or political means.


Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this

Recent: The FAQyMe gene

#902 Grok weighs in on the Great Diagnosis of 2025

#901 The Great Diagnosis of 2025

#900 2025 and the Year of Moral Engagement

#899 Grok, Free Speech and a Living Bill of Rights Conversation

#898 Asking Claude AI about Us

#897 Asking CoPilot AI about Us

Must reads on The FAQyMe gene

#763 Estimating the numbers global

#826 RFG: Accountability and responsibility of charities in providing care and justice to abuse survivors

#756 RFG: Advancing Parliamentary Pathways for Facilitating Disassociation from the Roman Catholic Church

#50 Yours, mine and Australia's children

#116 Human Rights and survivors of childhood sexual abuse by clergy a farce in Australia

#142 How aware are Australians of the truth of the cover up of the sexual abuse of children in 2018?

#157 Australian Constitution Hijacked into Empowering Criminal Clergy

#825 RFG: Foreign state has harmful impact on Mental Health of many Australians

#818 RFG: Career Cougers, Angel protectors or just Private School Mums

#574 It's not a lot to ask when the Human Rights of children are at stake

Mother and baby home survivors on redress delay: 'They are playing a game of wait and die'
Consultants reported more than 520 conflicts of interest during audit of Australian aged care

2024 is the year of Survivor's High Court challenge of the legitimacy of the Catholic Church and its religion on the basis of its primary allegiance and obedience to a foreign state.

Were you like so many others born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture?

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