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The inability of a child to thrive in a Constitutionally protected God based perpetual threat and rape culture is not a fault of the child; however it does become their odious responsibility upon reaching adulthood to resolve the harms done to them. The Christian religion at its core is a toxic mechanism whereby intergenerational trauma is kept alive, active, and deeply embedded in each new generation, as it has done over the past 2,000+ years.
Published: Saturday, 07 May 2022 12:05:37 PM
?? goes here "The response within the diocese of Ballarat to abuse complaints spanning at least three decades was driven by a desire to avoid scandal and protect the church's reputation, the report by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse found. and "The findings, which come a day after a similarly damning report about the Melbourne archdiocese was released, said "commissioners heard that there was a tendency by clergy in the Diocese to treat complaints or allegations of child sexual abuse dismissively and in favour of the priest who was the subject of the allegation".
I have been giving some serious thought to my circumstance and the circumstances of uncounted
others (often said to be the 90% who have yet to find it safe enough to come forward).
Enablement which denies Fairness and justice comes when there is the lack of a suitable response
to the opposition's argument that too long a time has passed.
The outcome lacks moral justification.
There is in my view a case to be made about Fairness and Justice rather than the toxic pathway that is being followed by both the ignorant and the well intended.
I have reviewed much of the events of my recent and past attempts to obtain Fairness and
Justice. I find that the process that I was supposed to blindly and unquestioningly follow in a "least
informed", manufactured manner to be something quite extraordinary. Extraordinary in that it enables the abuser
to cause more harm and for them to have no accountability.
In your work have you come across anyone working on a counter to the too long a time has passed position currently holding sway here?
Recently I picked up on a thread that has a long history - it's about the Vatican and money
laundering. It became more complex as the Vatican was dragging it's feet on signing on for the *UN Convention on
the Rights of the Child. For this to happen they needed an identity with the UN and now the Roman Catholic
Church, the Vatican, the Holy See etcetera are legally classified as a state.�
Australia has diplomatic relations with the foreign nation state of the Vatican that allows trade
and the movement of people between the two states. This is what I was alluding to in my 2009 meeting with the Minister for Police, the
Police Commissioner and other junior Commissioners when I responded to their asking what did I want them
to do when I said they should no longer trade while the rape of so many children goes untendend.� (In my view
this changed a great deal and yet it is rarely referenced or openly discussed despite the reality of real
security risks to the independence and secular nature of the Commonwealth of Australia .).
We have two sections in or Constitution s116
and s44
(i) that pertain to religion and security. Neither protect children from the intrusion of someone
else's beliefs. All the while
the right of a people to self-determination is a
cardinal principle in modern international law, binding, as such, on the United Nations as authoritative
interpretation of the Charter's norms. Wikipedia
I find no Christian, Jewish or Islamic religion as far as I am aware enshrines the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
One of the recommendations I received recently went to this in a different way. Firstly they
dismiss critical evidence already obtained in a Barrister's report and a Medico/Legal report with the intention
of obtaining more opinions "until we get the one we want".� It seems there is no description or recipe that I am
to be made aware of as to what is being sought - it appears to be a repeat process until the vast majority of
your story is hidden by the repeated application of a deeply harmful and
traumatic process. The risk to the victim has been dismissed in their haste to conform with a system that allows
or does not restrict this as a practice in law from both sides of any matter. I contend that victims were
wrongly abandoned to this tortuous process by the Royal Commission when the Chair spoke of the victims having to
take their chances, when in fact there are a range of protections that are already in place.
The Briginshaw
A successful Brigginshaw test (as applied under the evidence put to the Royal Commission into Institutional Abuse) is one that immediately affects Testamentary capacity for an indefinite period when applied to survivors of certain traumas in childhood, including but not limited to Post Traumatic Stress, Complex Post Traumatic Stress, Chronic Childhood Trauma, DiD). Repeated Brigginshaw tests places the subject at risk of habituation through to repeat
re-experiencing of the actual moments in an involuntary somatic playback -
Among concerns is that this test ,maintain a 1940s perspective on what is clearly a mental health issue when viewed from current knowledge perspective.
Torture (from Latin tortus: to twist, to torment) is the act of deliberately inflicting severe physical or psychological suffering on someone by another as a punishment or in order to fulfil some desire of the torturer or force some action from the victim.
Link to Royal Commission discussion with O'Callaghan and Jeffries of the Melbourne Response on how the "Independent" Commission (and others) conduct this test on unwitting victims.
see my rewrite on the Rights of the Child that removes all real and supernatural powers that
might be used against the child. - first published in MBS
FAQyMe Gene #47 Religious
Freedom and Human Rights can never happily coexist if they were to both reach their full potential 7/06/2008 Kevin
Rudd The Prime Minister of Australia -- see my statement Paul Hart images of hand written statement - Forced
injections of incorrect medications. to every politician and several hundred thousand more across Australia
It is the right of any non religious child to have protections from the intrusion of someone
else's religion or beliefs in higher powers or the supernatural being imposed on to them.�
Frerda Briggs� FAQyMe Gene #450
Religious Freedom and Human Rights can never happily coexist if they were to both reach their full potential
A successful Briginshaw test is one that immediately affects Testamentary capacity for an indefinite period. Repeated Briginshaw tests place the subject at risk of habituation through to repeat rexperincing of the actual moments in an involuntary somatic playback
Torture (from Latin tortus: to twist, to torment) is the act of deliberately inflicting severe
physical or psychological suffering on someone by another as a punishment or in order to fulfill some desire of
the torturer or force some action from the victim.
The Final Act of Betrayal
The victim witness's greatest fears and reactions are brought to the fore via the adversarial processes of the current legal system and is regularly used to trigger, manipulate or cause their helpless victim to be emotionally defrauded further thus increasing the chances of a Vagal response from an already vulnerable and traumatized the witness. Any triggered response may well be contrary to the education, belief or considered opinion of the victim or whilst they are a non-threatening, non-traumatized state. Ref: "In the moment" Peter O'Callaghan in evidence before the recent Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.
Deliberately triggering a trauma response
The evidence of our biology tells us that the Vagal system can and does respond protectively without any direct input from traumatized witnesses when placed in an high stress situation such as an adversarial system, and yet they will be held responsible if that Vagal system response is seen as a negative or contrary to laws or in alignment with one or more of the many myths that abound in this realm.
This process is identified in various ways including "Amygdala hijack", "Loss of executive function", "in the moment", "triggered", "re-traumatized". Initiating this process is common practice in law courts and investigations and can be achieved overtly or covertly; the result is to put the mind of the witness back into the moment of their life threatening experience can trigger any of the above from the targeted individual and that state will remain until they have fully recovered from the trauma of this unexpected autonomic experience.
Their body responds automatically and may disable them for an indefinite amount of time as a direct result of being carelessly taken back into a moment where their autonomic system kicked in as a means of self preservation. When this is observed an immediate halt should be called until the wellbeing of the witness is catered for to the point where they return to a state of being a capable witness again.
When the frontal lobes are disabled you simply cannot think clearly, you cannot make rational decisions, or control many of your responses because control has been �hijacked� by the amygdala. The victim is psychologically hijacked and put back into an earlier state of trauma and self preservation What are the symptoms of an amygdala hijack?. The hapless witness is taken back into an early life threatening incident where their body replays what it remembers; this a natural process that all humans use to some degree or other on a daily basis. The witness is taken from the present moment back "into the moment" (Peter O'Callaghan The Melbourne Process") to satisfy the evidence needs on the basis of a conflict between adults in 1938. No consideration is given to the knowledge we have gained since 1938, including becoming signatories to the UN Convention on Human Rights Dec 10, 1948, the Rights of the Child, Convention on Torture and more. No assistance is given to the witness, no approval was sought to undertake such an intrusive test and no assessment as to the time required by the witness to fully return to a state of testamentary capacity in the way they arrived at the court or interview to allow them to return to the present moment in the courtroom so that they can return to the capacity to give evidence that they had before they were taken back into their early trauma.
Today, a psychiatrist, psychologist, health workers who acted in this way may well find themselves before the courts facing charges of medical malpractice. It is freely available to use at any moment in a court of law.
The Geneva Convention identifies this as being another crime of equal proportions against an already abused and victimized individual and yet it is overlooked when used in investigative circumstances or in courts or inquiries. Justice McClelland referred to this when inviting victims to come forward through an off-handed comment that they had to take their chances with the system. Even he found the system too damaging and moved to introduce a better trauma based model with varying degrees of success.
FAQyMe Gene #126 https://traumainreligion.com/about55.php The Universal Declaration of Human RightsFAQyMe Gene #119 1. In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.
Vatican follows case with 'extreme attention'
On processing trauma
Talking about traumatic events can be hard � but makes a huge difference to children's wellbeing, research shows. Here's how to find the right words.
US Petition #Invisible- Help abused Children in Religious Communities and Institutions
Ratifying the UN Rights of the child would go a long way in combating child abuse here in the United States. Child abuse -breaking a child's will is literally preached from the pulpit and published in child-rearing books here in the USA.
Breaking a child's will can mean a few hard swats on the bottom or lead to hours-long sessions of �discipline� where a child can be subjected to 50-100 or more blows. Entire churches have adopted the idea of �breaking a child's will,'' and religious leaders preach it to their congregations. Some instruct parents to start breaking the will at 3-6 months old.
Very small children and babies have literally been spanked to death right here in the United States because religious leaders are not confronted and told they can not preach child abuse from the pulpit; their congregations are not told that if they do indeed carry out these horrific acts of abuse, they will be subject to prosecution.
Children are left in these situations; little children screaming in excruciating pain, sometimes several times a day.
If any adult were subjected to this kind of treatment it would be considered torture. Why do we allow child torture in this country? And yes, it is allowed because people know it's happening.
Time and again, teenagers and adults have come out of ultra-strict religions/organizations and recounted the horrors they have endured to news orgs and documentary film makers, and yet the government does not step in. It is time that the United States stands up and says enough.
Gabor Mat�: How to Build a Culture of Good Health "Astonishing to say, most medical students never hear the word �trauma� in all their years of training, except in the the sense of physical injury. �The medical profession is traumaphobic,� a well-known colleague in San Francisco once told me. The results for patient care are devastating, whether in the treatment of physical or psychiatric conditions�a distinction that, given the mind/body unity, is in itself misleading.
Individual family dynamics unfold in the context of culture and society. Just as families have their histories in which they transmit trauma across the generations, so do societies. We can see, then, why the poor and the racially oppressed and the historically traumatized are more prone to disease. Need we mention the high rates of alcoholism, violence, obesity, diabetes, and overdose deaths amongst aboriginal populations in North America and, say, Australia, or the relatively unfavorable health outlook and life expectancy of black Americans?
The effects of trauma become multigenerational through repeated psychological dysfunctions. The new science of epigenetics is identifying the mechanisms that even affect gene functioning. The children of Holocaust survivors, for example, have altered genetic mechanisms leading to abnormal stress hormone levels. Animal studies are showing that the physiological effects of trauma can be passed on even to the third generation.
Finally, family stresses, trauma, and social and economic deprivation can also affect human brain development in ways that lead to behavioral problems, learning disabilities, and mental illness. CT scan studies at the University of Wisconsin showed that brain centers responsible for academic performance were up to 10 percent smaller in children who grew up in the poorest homes. Why? Because the human brain itself is a social organ, shaped in its neurophysiological and neurochemical development by the child�s relationships. In the words of the above-cited Pediatrics article:
�The interaction of genes and experiences literally shapes the circuitry of the developing brain, and is critically influenced by the mutual responsiveness of adult-child relationships, particularly in the early childhood years.�
Parents stressed by multigenerational trauma, relationship issues, economic insecurity, maternal depression, or social disconnection are simply unable to give their children the �mutually responsive� attuned interactions that optimal childhood development requires. The result is the epidemic of developmental disorders among our children that we are now witnessing. In line with the prevailing ideology, the medical response is mostly pharmaceutical. Rather than considering the environment that, throughout childhood, shapes the brain, we seek to manipulate the child�s brain chemistry instead.
Renowned scientist Robert M. Sapolsky states that the default state is to trust, and what the Amygdala does is learn vigilance and distrust.
Francis� clergy abuse law, �Vos Estis,� isn�t working. Here�s how to fix it. - It�s possible that Vos Estis, along with the removal of the pontifical secret in abuse cases, will be the final major abuse legislation of Francis� papacy. Let�s hope it can be revised. In its present form, it will not achieve the transformation that children and Catholics so desperately need and deserve.
2023 Findings in Spain found that 0.6% of the population of Spain had been sexually abused by Roman Catholic priests and laity. Up to 50 million alive on any day who have been raped or abused by Catholic clergy &/or Catholic laity
Current world population is 8 billion - 0.6% = 48 million alive today who are likely to have been raped by Catholics globally.
The church protected the perpetrators, not the victims
"This is a matter for the church and I respect the internal judgements of the church. I don't stand outside the church and provide them with public lectures in terms of how they should behave. I've noted carefully what his Holiness has said in the United States. Obviously that was a source of great comfort and healing in the United States. I'm like all Australians very much looking forward to what the Pope has to say here in Australia as well, as I am to my own conversation with the Pope later this morning." Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia, 17 July 2008. more
If you found this information to be of assistance please don't forget to donate so that we can extend these information pages which are focused on providing knowledge and information to survivor/victims on their Human Rights with justice, compassion and empathy at the fore along with sound knowledge of Human Biology and Psychology, Human Evolution and Neuroscience. Information is not provided as legal or professional advice; it is provided as general information only and requires that you validate any information via your own legal or other professional service providers.
Wednesday, 22 June 2022 - I may not have this down syntax, word and letter perfect or
absolute precision in every aspect; however time and the evidence will show that I am closer to the truth than
any religion has been or will likely be.
Let history be the standard by which that is measured.
Youtube - listen to Commissioner Bob
Atkinson get it wrong - again
The Commissioner informs us that the clergy sexual abuse issue was all over and that it had only been a
small statistical glitch around the year 2000. History shows this to have been a display of absolute ignorance
on the issue ...
Makarrata : a better future for our children based on justice and self-determination. The Uluru Statement from the Heart. See Yours, mine and Australia's children. I acknowledge the Traditional People and their Ownership of Australia.
#FAQyMe #FAQyMeGene trauma informed human rights justice failed institutions UN Convention on Human Rights Rights of the Child and a Bill of Rights for Australia future evidence resilience not providing or representing a secular Australia autodidact religion human rights rights of the child justice for survivors of abuse by religion The FAQyMe Gene
Hegemony: The authority, dominance, and influence of one group, nation, or society over another group, nation, or society; typically through cultural, economic, or political means.
Mother and baby home survivors on redress delay:
'They are playing a game of wait and die'
reported more than 520 conflicts of interest during audit of Australian aged care
2024 is the year of Survivor's High Court challenge of the legitimacy of the Catholic Church and its religion on the basis of its primary allegiance and obedience to a foreign state.
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