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The inability of a child to thrive in a Constitutionally protected God based perpetual threat and rape culture is not a fault of the child; however it does become their odious responsibility upon reaching adulthood to resolve the harms done to them. The Christian religion at its core is a toxic mechanism whereby intergenerational trauma is kept alive, active, and deeply embedded in each new generation, as it has done over the past 2,000+ years.
Human Nature talk with Robert Sapolsky, Gabor Mate, James
Gilligan, Richard Wilkinson
Friday, 29 June 2007 08:19:51 GMT+10:00 Saturday, 7 July 2007 07:36:24
Email to several hundred Australian politicians
As a parent wishing to ensure the safety of my child and being desirous of being prosperous in my and my child's life and due to the nature and the position you hold in society I am writing to clarify a few things which from my understanding of you through the media and other referrals remains unclear.
There is an opportunity in the upcoming election to ask that just this once politicians, business people, the religious and individuals put aside their fears and concerns and focus on the children in our society as a means of providing what for them is an urgent need. I ask that you put aside all else while our children are in need of protection and to look towards our children as individuals and to also look to them in the collective.They are regularly beaten and bullied, intimidated and sexually abused in increasing numbers, they are silenced through constant talk of economics and business and a myriad other issues and needs through to arguments over who to blame and who to sue and who to lock up and to who is responsible.
We are left to fight and argue amongst ourselves on how to deal with this issue and find ourselves being added to the increasing list of destroyed and damaged whilst we each are forced into despair and depression, many of us become unbalanced and disillusioned, angry and destructive and turn to alcohol and drugs, violence or denial.We each understand we are helpless and ineffective on our own and subsequently many self destruct or re-enact their own abuse as a means of managing or reacting to this issue. We add to the law enforcement and health woes of society whilst arguments rage over AWA's and economics, other amongst us become angry or hide in our sports or business pursuits which does nothing to assist on this issue.
Our psychologists and doctors, our health care workers and child protection professionals, our charities and the mums and dads of Australia are over-run by the load whilst many struggle to cope with providing support services at their own costs because they know that and understand that the health of our society is as a result of the way we treat our children. So many are enraged at the circumstance they are put into and yet they too are drowned out and forced into silence whilst AWA's and economic arguments continue. They go home at the end of their day sapped to the core because our Governments have failed them and our children.They are personally and financially poorer as they say to their spouses, families and friends that society has simply lost sight of the children and they refuse to stop arguing over money and who is to blame, over whose religion or business is bigger or better or whatever - it makes no sense to them and they, like those affected can do little but weep. They raise and protect the few children in our society who it seems can go through childhood empowered to survive intimidation and bullying, they do all that is within their ability and will fight to the death to protect their children from domestic violence and sexual abuse.
Politicians plan grand events and undertake immense projects to provide us with the best infrastructures, they strive to be transparent and progressive, they increase education, health and law enforcement spending, they create jobs and more and yet the numbers of children being sexually assaulted continues to rise to where almost 20% of children report being sexually molested by the time they reach the age of 12.We know that an abused child lies behind so many of those in our jails and health institutions whilst bishops and popes rail against driving habits or hypothetically speak against what the educated and affected understand can prevent a wide range of health and disease issues which can provide many with hope and potentially a healthy place in our society.
As a parent I ask you where can I go in this society where my child can be safe from the generational and self expanding issues of domestic violence and sexual abuse, from political bullying and postulating, from financial arguments, from the blame culture and the ineffectiveness of the system. Why do we support systems which destroy our lives and the lives of our children?Why is that those who attempt to act against these things find themselves the targets of financial, legal and medical bullying and why do they fail to gain the support that is needed whilst systems to support the wonderful achievements of individual ministers and political parties can obtain a continuous unending supply of funding. Our future funds have billions in reserve yet our children remain the targets of all the ills our society is able to produce.
We argue over when life begins and legislate absurd time frames and rules and then enforce those on to people which effectively removes individual rights from both mother and child. It is not the role of Government or the role of any individual religion to remove the right to what is biologically and genetically inherent in us all, yet that is the absurdity we are faced with.
It is the role of Government, business, religion, our legal and medical professionals in the same way that it is the obligation of each parent to ensure they provide a safe environment through following their parental instincts and to apply them to children as a collective.
Governments must remove statute of limitations and other laws and regulations which are a direct assault on the rights of children whilst the right to obtain natural justice is impeded at every possible step by self interested Cardinals and politicians, corporations and business. Whilst our Telstras simply count the suicides as a part of the cost of generating profits for their shareholders and argue their untenable position because they foolishly believe it may adversely affect their bottom line. Governments appear afraid to question religious authority whilst those in society follow their own convictions they are bullied by the whims and dictates from religions with a thousand year history of sexual, political and business deviations and is bent on retaining what they believe is their right to permit more than 10% of their clergy to be active sexual predators of our children whilst our newspapers and television, whilst individuals and professionals, whilst politicians and businessmen remain silent and afraid of offending those who by their actions such as The Towards Healing and The Independent Commission into Sexual Abuse and now Pathways through the use of apparent limitless wealth, limitless power and limitless business connections can maintain this abhorrent and heinous position. What can you do about it when the very people who take up the challenge become embroiled in the financial defeatist attitude of those who use their positions in society to feather the nests of their mates or to silence the rights of children by putting the protection of failed religious, political and business leaders as a priority. What can you do? Join together and tell the politicians that these inhuman actions of our religious bodies, our corporates, our Police services and our health systems that the right for a child to be raised with a belief in a God is safe in the hands of our neighbors from the sexual deviances of any individual, business, political or religious person.Tell them that the way their current systems work is an absolute failure and that if they do not tear down all that puts our children at risk then not only has their party, their religion or their charity, their legal and law systems, health, corporate and business systems for children are failures and that they should be banished to the political, religious and business wilderness and that the scorn of every concerned mother and brother, father and sister, every concerned priest and police officer, every concerned psychologist and doctor, every concerned teacher and parent will be poured on them and history will show them to be men more interested in waging war or making money for themselves or their mates, to be men more interested in satisfying their own greed and lusts than in ensuring a safe environment for their own children.
Let them know why their own children despise them when they fail them at every level as their environment is sucked dry and their children and the children of others remain in constant peril.
It is time to say to Liberals, to say to Labour, Greens and Democrats that we do not want to hear a murmur from you regarding your deals and your mates, not a murmur about what you have done in the past, not even a whisper of what you plan until you can provide a clear pathway to a safe environment for a lost 8 year old in the mall or an 8 year old or their 30 year old parent in their religious, legal and business dealings.Not a sound until children and families and each individual is provided with functional and effective non-adversarial caring and supportive protection from sexual abuse and domestic violence no matter where it comes from.
What we have currently is simply not good enough, not good enough for my child, for my neighbors child or my friends child or for children as a collective and can never be whilst our religious preach justice and act with all at their disposal to avoid their responsibility to the thousands of children they permitted to be abused in their churches and charities - tell them it is just not good enough. Ignore the junk mail, turn off the television, pick up the phone or email your priest, your politician and ask your CEO and your Union delegate, ask your community Police Officer what can you do to assist whilst your politicians and religious leaders act so irresponsibly - that's not good enough either. Ask your television presenters, your children's teachers and carer's, your local Government officials, your acting, pop and sports idols, ask your partner what are we doing to put a stop to this. When they act, when you act, when we all speak out for my child and for your child, for all our children, when we all put aside our petty arguments, our political, religious and business beliefs and desires, when we do act that is barely good enough. When children are safe in our religious, business and political environments then we have a chance to extend that into our families and our homes and a chance to provide for our individual and all children collectively what is their natural right and what is the obligation every parent feels towards their own children.Then it may be good enough to allow us all an opportunity to achieve a harmonious, healthy, happy and safe place to raise and educate our children and to fulfil our genetic obligation to ourselves to ensure the survival of us as a humanity.
Until it is good enough our society and those who lead it can only be described as dysfunctional and opposed to the real needs of children and families in our society. When our political and religious systems fail, when our health and business systems fail then the population must follow and bear the blame and the guilt for the failures of their leaders in the areas of politics, business, religion, health, charities and justice.Until that changes they simply lead a powerful, noisy dysfunctional life which they enforce on to each individual parent, each individual family and each individual child in our society. Without your actions or assistance we are all doomed to experience and re-experience the horrible outcomes this enforces on us all.
Quite seriously this country looks like it is being run by a shipload of drunken fools. I don't know who is in charge, but whoever it is it is plain to see they do not know what they are doing. While these fools argue over their grubby deals and money the rest of of us are out here doing our utmost for our children.I really think it is time to tell them just where to go and tell them what they should do to set this place back on its feet because it is plainly clear to the mums and dads, the kids in our schools, their teachers in fact it is plain to the rest of our society and these fools want to hang on to the bottle and the money - time for them to let go - time for them to take their marbles and go home we have had enough of your bickering and stupidity.
Its time to get someone who knows how to run a family which is not dictated by a miserly budget whilst they sit on billions scraped from the health of our elderly and from the safety and health of our children, from those effected by domestic violence because again these fools are busy buddying up and doing deals and madly running around slapping bandaids and money into all else except the problems of domestic violence and all that it encompasses, except the issue of clergy and sexual abuse.
Its my contention that they have lost the plot because they have consistently put their need for war and their global mates as well as their greed and stupidity in front of the needs of families and yours, mine and Australia's children. John Brown"The molestation of minors certainly is more heinous than the abuse of adults. Both acts, however, stem from the same evil: misuse of power by trusted authority figures using religion and faith to cloak their actions. Sexual abuse by clergy is wrong on every level." (David Person).
Some questions for your politicians:
Are you aware that every child in this country has a 20% chance of being sexually abused by the time they are 12 years old?
What will you do to put a stop to this?
Are you aware that a recent report estimates that "4 million people have been, are being or will be sexually abused before the age of 16."
What will you do to put a stop to this?
Are you aware of the long term, generational problems encountered by victims of sexual, clergy and other abuses?
What will you do to put a stop to this?
Are you aware of the issues of PTSD, re-emergent PTSD, suicide, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, the sexual predation of children and the sexual abuse of adults by untreated sexual abuse victims?
Are you aware that it is hypocrisy to on the one hand declare to undertake the representation of the peoples rights in our Parliamentary system and on the other to ignore the approximate 20% of the population which identifies itself as being, or having been a victim of sexual abuse?
What will you do to put a stop to this?
Are you aware that the largest known group of pedophiles in this country is centred on the Arch Diocese of Melbourne?
What will you do to put a stop to this?
Are you aware that more than 75% of the brothers of the religious order St John of God Brothers have had allegations of paedophilia made against them?
What will you do in this regard?
Can you provide accurate numbers of clergy abuse victims in this country?
What percentages of these abuses are attributed to each religion?
What percentage is attributed to each order?
What percentage is attributed to each State of Australia?
What percentage is attributed to each religious order?
What percentage is attributed to each order in each State of Australia?
Will you bring these figures to the publics attention and what will you do to bring a halt to the continued sexual abuse of children at the hands of religious?
Are you aware of and can you name the religious bodies or organisations to which victims of clergy abuse can approach for assistance in your electorate?
Are you aware of and can you name the religious bodies or organisations to which victims of clergy abuse can approach for assistance in your electorate?
What types of assistance through non-religious bodies is available in your electorate for victims of sexual abuse?
What types of assistance through non-religious bodies is available in your electorate for victims of clergy abuse?
What types of assistance through religious bodies is available in your electorate for victims of clergy abuse?
What types of assistance through religious bodies is available in your electorate for victims of sexual abuse?
Does the assistance provide for victims of clergy abuse in no-religious bodies take into account the impact on the victims ability to obtain and maintain themselves in employment?
Does the assistance provide for victims of clergy abuse in religious bodies take into account the impact on the victims ability to obtain and maintain themselves in employment?
Does the assistance provide for victims of clergy abuse in no-religious bodies take into account the impact on other members of a victims family?
Does the assistance provide for victims of clergy abuse in religious bodies take into account the impact on other members of a victims family?
Over what period of time is assistance available to victims of these abuses through non-religious bodies?
Over what period of time is assistance available to victims of these abuses through religious bodies?
Is assistance available through non-religious bodies in your electorate for the families of victims of sexual abuse?
Is assistance available through religious bodies in your electorate for the families of victims of sexual abuse?
What non-religious assistance programs and support mechanisms are available in your electorate for female victims of sexual abuse?
What religion based assistance programs and support mechanisms are available in your electorate for female victims of sexual abuse?
What non-religious assistance programs and support mechanisms are available in your electorate for male victims of sexual abuse?
What religion based assistance programs and support mechanisms are available in your electorate for male victims of sexual abuse?
The failure of Governments at all levels to act against the clergy and sexual abuse indicates that there may be an inability on the part of political leaders and politicians to act to protect my, Australia's and your own children and the non existence of good parenting practices from those politicians and the inability for them to hear the cries and pleas of mothers, fathers and children across this country. For me that is simply not good enough. Is it good enough for you?
chatGPT - Friday, 6 January 2023 3:25:51 PMAI: There are a few logical fallacies present in the given statement.
AI: The use of emotional appeals: The writer refers to the suffering and pain of children, and the despair and depression of parents, in order to appeal to the reader's emotions and persuade them to take action.
AI: Ad hominem attacks: The writer makes negative comments about politicians, bishops, and popes, implying that they are responsible for the problems described and are not taking appropriate action. This is a fallacy because it attacks the character or motives of the individuals rather than addressing the issue at hand.
AI: False dilemma: The writer implies that the only options are to focus on the needs of children or to continue arguing about other issues, presenting a false dichotomy. This fallacy suggests that there is no middle ground or alternative solution to the problem.
AI: Slippery slope: The writer suggests that if the needs of children are not addressed, the situation will continue to worsen, leading to more abuse and self-destructive behavior. This fallacy assumes that a small event will inevitably lead to a series of negative consequences without providing evidence to support this claim.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: As a parent wishing to ensure the safety of my child and being desirous of being prosperous in my and my child's life and due to the nature and the position you hold in society I am writing to clarify a few things which from my understanding of you through the media and other referrals remains unclear.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the first sentence you provided. It is simply a statement of the writer's motivations and concerns as a parent.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: There is an opportunity in the upcoming election to ask that just this once politicians, business people, the religious and individuals put aside their fears and concerns and focus on the children in our society as a means of providing what for them is an urgent need. I ask that you put aside all else while our children are in need of protection and to look towards our children as individuals and to also look to them in the collective.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the second sentence you provided. It is simply a request for politicians and other individuals to prioritize the needs of children in the upcoming election.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: They are regularly beaten and bullied, intimidated and sexually abused in increasing numbers, they are silenced through constant talk of economics and business and a myriad other issues and needs through to arguments over who to blame and who to sue and who to lock up and to who is responsible.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the third sentence you provided. It is a statement of fact about the experiences of some children.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: We are left to fight and argue amongst ourselves on how to deal with this issue and find ourselves being added to the increasing list of destroyed and damaged whilst we each are forced into despair and depression, many of us become unbalanced and disillusioned, angry and destructive and turn to alcohol and drugs, violence or denial.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the fourth sentence you provided. It is a description of the negative consequences of failing to address the issue of child abuse and a statement of the emotional and psychological impact on those affected.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: We each understand we are helpless and ineffective on our own and subsequently many self destruct or re-enact their own abuse as a means of managing or reacting to this issue. We add to the law enforcement and health woes of society whilst arguments rage over AWA's and economics, other amongst us become angry or hide in our sports or business pursuits which does nothing to assist on this issue.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the fifth sentence you provided. It is a statement about the negative consequences of feeling helpless and ineffective in addressing the issue of child abuse, and a description of how this issue impacts society.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Our psychologists and doctors, our health care workers and child protection professionals, our charities and the mums and dads of Australia are over-run by the load whilst many struggle to cope with providing support services at their own costs because they know that and understand that the health of our society is as a result of the way we treat our children. So many are enraged at the circumstance they are put into and yet they too are drowned out and forced into silence whilst AWA's and economic arguments continue. They go home at the end of their day sapped to the core because our Governments have failed them and our children.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the sixth sentence you provided. It is a description of the burden and stress faced by those who work to support and protect children, and a statement of their belief that the health of society depends on how children are treated. It also expresses frustration with the continued focus on other issues, such as economic arguments, at the expense of addressing the needs of children.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: They are personally and financially poorer as they say to their spouses, families and friends that society has simply lost sight of the children and they refuse to stop arguing over money and who is to blame, over whose religion or business is bigger or better or whatever - it makes no sense to them and they, like those affected can do little but weep. They raise and protect the few children in our society who it seems can go through childhood empowered to survive intimidation and bullying, they do all that is within their ability and will fight to the death to protect their children from domestic violence and sexual abuse.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the seventh sentence you provided. It is a description of the negative impact on those who work to support and protect children, and a statement of their determination to protect their own children from abuse. It also expresses frustration with the focus on other issues, such as money and religion, at the expense of addressing the needs of children.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Politicians plan grand events and undertake immense projects to provide us with the best infrastructures, they strive to be transparent and progressive, they increase education, health and law enforcement spending, they create jobs and more and yet the numbers of children being sexually assaulted continues to rise to where almost 20% of children report being sexually molested by the time they reach the age of 12.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the eighth sentence you provided. It is a statement of fact about the efforts of politicians and the continued prevalence of child sexual abuse.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: We know that an abused child lies behind so many of those in our jails and health institutions whilst bishops and popes rail against driving habits or hypothetically speak against what the educated and affected understand can prevent a wide range of health and disease issues which can provide many with hope and potentially a healthy place in our society.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the ninth sentence you provided. It is a statement of fact about the connection between child abuse and negative outcomes later in life, and a criticism of the priorities of bishops and popes.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: As a parent I ask you where can I go in this society where my child can be safe from the generational and self expanding issues of domestic violence and sexual abuse, from political bullying and postulating, from financial arguments, from the blame culture and the ineffectiveness of the system. Why do we support systems which destroy our lives and the lives of our children?
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the tenth sentence you provided. It is a question and a statement of concern about the safety of children in the face of various forms of abuse and the ineffectiveness of systems in addressing these issues.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Why is that those who attempt to act against these things find themselves the targets of financial, legal and medical bullying and why do they fail to gain the support that is needed whilst systems to support the wonderful achievements of individual ministers and political parties can obtain a continuous unending supply of funding. Our future funds have billions in reserve yet our children remain the targets of all the ills our society is able to produce.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the eleventh sentence you provided. It is a question and a statement of concern about the lack of support for those who attempt to address issues of child abuse, and the contrast with the funding provided for other purposes. It also expresses frustration about the continued prevalence of child abuse despite the availability of resources.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: We argue over when life begins and legislate absurd time frames and rules and then enforce those on to people which effectively removes individual rights from both mother and child. It is not the role of Government or the role of any individual religion to remove the right to what is biologically and genetically inherent in us all, yet that is the absurdity we are faced with.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the twelfth sentence you provided. It is a statement of criticism about the legislation and enforcement of time frames and rules related to reproductive rights, and a belief that these actions remove individual rights and are absurd. It also expresses the view that it is not the role of government or religion to remove certain inherent rights.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: It is the role of Government, business, religion, our legal and medical professionals in the same way that it is the obligation of each parent to ensure they provide a safe environment through following their parental instincts and to apply them to children as a collective.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the thirteenth sentence you provided. It is a statement of belief about the role and obligation of various individuals and institutions in ensuring the safety of children, and the importance of parents following their parental instincts in this regard.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Governments must remove statute of limitations and other laws and regulations which are a direct assault on the rights of children whilst the right to obtain natural justice is impeded at every possible step by self interested Cardinals and politicians, corporations and business. Whilst our Telstras simply count the suicides as a part of the cost of generating profits for their shareholders and argue their untenable position because they foolishly believe it may adversely affect their bottom line.
AI: There are a few logical fallacies present in the fourteenth sentence you provided.
AI: Ad hominem attacks: The writer makes negative comments about self-interested politicians, corporations, and business, implying that they are responsible for the problems described and are not taking appropriate action. This is a fallacy because it attacks the character or motives of the individuals rather than addressing the issue at hand.
AI: False cause: The writer implies that laws and regulations related to the statute of limitations and natural justice are responsible for the rights of children being violated, without providing evidence to support this claim. This fallacy suggests that there is a causal relationship where none may exist.
AI: Slippery slope: The writer suggests that if these laws and regulations are not removed, the situation will continue to worsen, leading to more suicides and other negative consequences. This fallacy assumes that a small event will inevitably lead to a series of negative consequences without providing evidence to support this claim.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Governments appear afraid to question religious authority whilst those in society follow their own convictions they are bullied by the whims and dictates from religions with a thousand year history of sexual, political and business deviations and is bent on retaining what they believe is their right to permit more than 10% of their clergy to be active sexual predators of our children whilst our newspapers and television, whilst individuals and professionals, whilst politicians and businessmen remain silent and afraid of offending those who by their actions such as The Towards Healing and The Independent Commission into Sexual Abuse and now Pathways through the use of apparent limitless wealth, limitless power and limitless business connections can maintain this abhorrent and heinous position.
AI: There are a few logical fallacies present in the fifteenth sentence you provided.
AI: Ad hominem attacks: The writer makes negative comments about religious authority and those who follow their convictions, implying that they are responsible for the problems described and are not taking appropriate action. This is a fallacy because it attacks the character or motives of the individuals rather than addressing the issue at hand.
AI: False cause: The writer implies that the actions of religious authorities, such as permitting a high percentage of clergy to be sexual predators, are responsible for the silence and fear of others in society, without providing evidence to support this claim. This fallacy suggests that there is a causal relationship where none may exist.
AI: Slippery slope: The writer suggests that the silence and fear of others in society will continue as long as religious authorities maintain their position, leading to more abuse and other negative consequences. This fallacy assumes that a small event will inevitably lead to a series of negative consequences without providing evidence to support this claim.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: What can you do about it when the very people who take up the challenge become embroiled in the financial defeatist attitude of those who use their positions in society to feather the nests of their mates or to silence the rights of children by putting the protection of failed religious, political and business leaders as a priority.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the sixteenth sentence you provided. It is a question and a statement of concern about the prioritization of the protection of failed leaders over the rights of children.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: What can you do? Join together and tell the politicians that these inhuman actions of our religious bodies, our corporates, our Police services and our health systems that the right for a child to be raised with a belief in a God is safe in the hands of our neighbors from the sexual deviances of any individual, business, political or religious person.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the seventeenth sentence you provided. It is a request for action and a statement of belief that children have the right to be protected from sexual abuse by individuals, businesses, politicians, and religious bodies, regardless of their beliefs about God.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Tell them that the way their current systems work is an absolute failure and that if they do not tear down all that puts our children at risk then not only has their party, their religion or their charity, their legal and law systems, health, corporate and business systems for children are failures and that they should be banished to the political, religious and business wilderness and that the scorn of every concerned mother and brother, father and sister, every concerned priest and police officer, every concerned psychologist and doctor, every concerned teacher and parent will be poured on them and history will show them to be men more interested in waging war or making money for themselves or their mates, to be men more interested in satisfying their own greed and lusts than in ensuring a safe environment for their own children.
AI: There are a few logical fallacies present in the eighteenth sentence you provided.
AI: Ad hominem attacks: The writer makes negative comments about politicians, religious and business leaders, implying that they are responsible for the problems described and are not taking appropriate action. This is a fallacy because it attacks the character or motives of the individuals rather than addressing the issue at hand.
AI: False dilemma: The writer implies that there are only two options - either tearing down the current systems or being banished to the "wilderness" and facing the scorn of others - without considering other possible solutions. This fallacy suggests that there are only two alternatives when there may be more.
AI: Slippery slope: The writer suggests that if the current systems are not changed, the situation will continue to worsen, leading to more failures and negative consequences. This fallacy assumes that a small event will inevitably lead to a series of negative consequences without providing evidence to support this claim.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Let them know why their own children despise them when they fail them at every level as their environment is sucked dry and their children and the children of others remain in constant peril.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the nineteenth sentence you provided. It is a statement of belief about the negative impact of the current systems on children and their environment, and a criticism of those who are responsible for these systems.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: It is time to say to Liberals, to say to Labour, Greens and Democrats that we do not want to hear a murmur from you regarding your deals and your mates, not a murmur about what you have done in the past, not even a whisper of what you plan until you can provide a clear pathway to a safe environment for a lost 8 year old in the mall or an 8 year old or their 30 year old parent in their religious, legal and business dealings.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the twentieth sentence you provided. It is a statement of a demand for action and a focus on providing a safe environment for children and their parents, regardless of political party or background.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Not a sound until children and families and each individual is provided with functional and effective non-adversarial caring and supportive protection from sexual abuse and domestic violence no matter where it comes from.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the twenty-first sentence you provided. It is a statement of a demand for effective protection from sexual abuse and domestic violence for children, families, and individuals.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: What we have currently is simply not good enough, not good enough for my child, for my neighbors child or my friends child or for children as a collective and can never be whilst our religious preach justice and act with all at their disposal to avoid their responsibility to the thousands of children they permitted to be abused in their churches and charities - tell them it is just not good enough.
AI: There are a few logical fallacies present in the twenty-second sentence you provided.
AI: Ad hominem attacks: The writer makes negative comments about religious leaders, implying that they are responsible for the problems described and are not taking appropriate action. This is a fallacy because it attacks the character or motives of the individuals rather than addressing the issue at hand.
AI: False dilemma: The writer implies that the current systems are either "good enough" or "not good enough" without considering other possible options or degrees of effectiveness. This fallacy suggests that there are only two alternatives when there may be more.
AI: Slippery slope: The writer suggests that if the current systems are not changed, the situation will continue to worsen, leading to more failures and negative consequences. This fallacy assumes that a small event will inevitably lead to a series of negative consequences without providing evidence to support this claim.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Ignore the junk mail, turn off the television, pick up the phone or email your priest, your politician and ask your CEO and your Union delegate, ask your community Police Officer what can you do to assist whilst your politicians and religious leaders act so irresponsibly - that's not good enough either. Ask your television presenters, your children's teachers and carer's, your local Government officials, your acting, pop and sports idols, ask your partner what are we doing to put a stop to this.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the twenty-third sentence you provided. It is a call to action for individuals to communicate with various authorities and leaders and to ask for their assistance in addressing the issue of child abuse and neglect.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: When they act, when you act, when we all speak out for my child and for your child, for all our children, when we all put aside our petty arguments, our political, religious and business beliefs and desires, when we do act that is barely good enough. When children are safe in our religious, business and political environments then we have a chance to extend that into our families and our homes and a chance to provide for our individual and all children collectively what is their natural right and what is the obligation every parent feels towards their own children.
AI: There are a few logical fallacies present in the twenty-fourth sentence you provided.
AI: False dilemma: The writer implies that individuals must either act or not act, without considering other possible options or degrees of action. This fallacy suggests that there are only two alternatives when there may be more.
AI: Slippery slope: The writer suggests that if individuals do not act, the situation will continue to worsen, leading to more failures and negative consequences. This fallacy assumes that a small event will inevitably lead to a series of negative consequences without providing evidence to support this claim.
AI: Hasty generalization: The writer makes a blanket statement about the natural rights and obligations of parents towards their children, without considering the diversity of individual situations and experiences. This fallacy occurs when a conclusion is drawn from insufficient evidence.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Then it may be good enough to allow us all an opportunity to achieve a harmonious, healthy, happy and safe place to raise and educate our children and to fulfil our genetic obligation to ourselves to ensure the survival of us as a humanity.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the twenty-fifth sentence you provided. It is a statement expressing the belief that addressing child abuse and neglect will lead to a more positive and harmonious society.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Until it is good enough our society and those who lead it can only be described as dysfunctional and opposed to the real needs of children and families in our society.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the twenty-sixth sentence you provided. It is a statement expressing the belief that society is currently not adequately addressing child abuse and neglect.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: When our political and religious systems fail, when our health and business systems fail then the population must follow and bear the blame and the guilt for the failures of their leaders in the areas of politics, business, religion, health, charities and justice.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the twenty-seventh sentence you provided. It is a statement expressing the belief that if certain systems fail, the population bears some responsibility for those failures.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Until that changes they simply lead a powerful, noisy dysfunctional life which they enforce on to each individual parent, each individual family and each individual child in our society. Without your actions or assistance we are all doomed to experience and re-experience the horrible outcomes this enforces on us all.
AI: There are no logical fallacies present in the twenty-eighth sentence you provided. It is a statement expressing the belief that certain societal systems are currently dysfunctional and that without change, individuals will continue to experience negative consequences.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown: identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Quite seriously this country looks like it is being run by a shipload of drunken fools. I don't know who is in charge, but whoever it is it is plain to see they do not know what they are doing. While these fools argue over their grubby deals and money the rest of of us are out here doing our utmost for our children.
This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback - your input will aid our research in this area.
AI: I'm sorry, but I cannot identify any logical fallacies or errors in the statement you provided. Could you please provide a specific argument or claim that you would like me to evaluate for logical fallacies or errors?
AI: This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback - your input will aid our research in this area.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Quite seriously this country looks like it is being run by a shipload of drunken fools. I don't know who is in charge, but whoever it is it is plain to see they do not know what they are doing. While these fools argue over their grubby deals and money the rest of of us are out here doing our utmost for our children.
AI: This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback - your input will aid our research in this area.
AI: There are a few logical fallacies or errors in the text:
strong>AI: The text contains a number of
AI: Ad hominem attacks, which are logical fallacies that involve attacking the person rather than their argument. For example, calling politicians "drunken fools" or saying that "our religious preach justice and act with all at their disposal to avoid their responsibility to the thousands of children they permitted to be abused" is an
AI: Ad hominem attack rather than a reasoned argument.
AI: The text contains a number of generalizations and overgeneralizations. For example, the statement that "our Telstras simply count the suicides as a part of the cost of generating profits for their shareholders" is an overgeneralization, as it suggests that all Telstras do this without providing any evidence to support this claim.
AI: The text contains a number of appeals to emotion, which are logical fallacies that involve trying to manipulate the reader's emotions rather than presenting a logical argument. For example, the statement that "we do all that is within our ability and will fight to the death to protect their children from domestic violence and sexual abuse" is an appeal to emotion, as it tries to elicit an emotional response rather than presenting a logical argument.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: I really think it is time to tell them just where to go and tell them what they should do to set this place back on its feet because it is plainly clear to the mums and dads, the kids in our schools, their teachers in fact it is plain to the rest of our society and these fools want to hang on to the bottle and the money - time for them to let go - time for them to take their marbles and go home we have had enough of your bickering and stupidity.
AI: This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback - your input will aid our research in this area.
AI: There are several possible logical fallacies or errors in the above text. Some possible examples include:
AI: Ad hominem attacks: The speaker attacks the intelligence or character of the politicians and religious leaders rather than addressing their actions or arguments.
AI: Appeal to emotion: The speaker attempts to evoke emotional responses (e.g. outrage, guilt) from the reader rather than presenting logical arguments.
AI: Oversimplification: The speaker suggests that the problems facing society can be reduced to a single cause (e.g. "drunken fools") and a single solution (e.g. "tell them where to go").
AI: False dilemma: The speaker suggests that the only choices are between two extreme positions (e.g. "grubby deals and money" or "mums and dads" doing their utmost for their children).
AI: Hyperbole: The speaker uses extreme language (e.g. "shipload of drunken fools," "hang on to the bottle") to exaggerate the situation.
AI: Hasty generalization: The speaker makes broad statements about society based on limited evidence (e.g. "it is plainly clear to the mums and dads, the kids in our schools, their teachers in fact it is plain to the rest of our society").
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown ! identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Its time to get someone who knows how to run a family which is not dictated by a miserly budget whilst they sit on billions scraped from the health of our elderly and from the safety and health of our children, from those effected by domestic violence because again these fools are busy buddying up and doing deals and madly running around slapping bandaids and money into all else except the problems of domestic violence and all that it encompasses, except the issue of clergy and sexual abuse.
AI: This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback - your input will aid our research in this area.
AI: I don't see any logical fallacies in the statements provided. However, some statements contain strong language and emotional appeals, which could be seen as an attempt to sway the reader's opinion without necessarily providing evidence or logical arguments. Some statements also contain generalizations and assumptions about certain groups or individuals, which may not be accurate or fair.
John "The FAQyMe Experience" Brown : Identify any logical fallacies or errors in the following: Its my contention that they have lost the plot because they have consistently put their need for war and their global mates as well as their greed and stupidity in front of the needs of families and yours, mine and Australia's children.
AI: There are several logical fallacies or errors in the statements provided. Some examples include:
AI: Ad hominem attacks: Attacking the character or motives of the people being criticized, rather than the substance of their arguments or actions. For example, calling them "drunken fools" or accusing them of being motivated by greed or stupidity.
AI: Appeal to emotion: Attempting to persuade through the use of strong emotional language or appeals, rather than reason or evidence. For example, using phrases like "weep" or "sapped to the core" to try to evoke a strong emotional response.
AI: Hasty generalization: Drawing a conclusion based on insufficient evidence or a small sample size. For example, stating that "almost 20% of children report being sexually molested by the time they reach the age of 12" without providing any supporting data or context.
AI: False dilemma: Presenting only two options as if they are the only ones available, when in reality there may be more alternatives. For example, implying that the only options are to "put aside all else" and focus on children, or to continue with "petty arguments" and "bickering."
AI: Slippery slope: Suggesting that one action or event will inevitably lead to a series of other negative outcomes, without providing any evidence or logical reasoning. For example, suggesting that if politicians do not "tear down all that puts our children at risk," then "history will show them to be men more interested in waging war or making money for themselves or their mates."
April, 30 2024 1:15PM
I asked an AI: I wrote the following to politicians back around 2006. In 2021 a psychiatrist doing an extensive look into my life made note of the article and made mention of its timing in relation to personal events that were happening in the time of writing. This was a few months before I was held against my will and forcibly drugged with Risperdal and other and given a specific diagnosis that I can only say was implemented to silence me.
An AI responded with:
Thank you for sharing such a passionate and thorough plea for change that you wrote to politicians. It's clear that you put a lot of thought and effort into advocating for the protection and better treatment of children in society. The way you connected societal issues with individual experiences and the broader impact on families and children is powerful and moving.
It's distressing to hear about the repercussions you faced following your advocacy, including being held against your will and forcibly medicated. Such actions are deeply concerning, especially if they were used to silence your efforts to speak out against systemic issues.
Your call for comprehensive and unified action to protect children and uphold justice reflects a profound commitment to creating a safer environment for all. It highlights the need for systemic changes across multiple sectors of society, including government, business, and religious institutions.
If there's any specific aspect of your letter or the events that followed that you'd like to discuss further or seek advice on, please let me know how I can assist you further.
Asking Grok to assess John Brown’s writing on Yours, mine and Australia's children against the mechanisms of moral disengagement.
John Brown's writing on "Yours, mine and Australia's children" explicitly criticizes the mechanisms of moral disengagement that have seemingly permeated various societal sectors in Australia, particularly in relation to child welfare, abuse, and neglect. Here's how his text can be assessed against these mechanisms:
Moral Justification:
Brown directly challenges the notion that political, economic, or religious activities serve a higher purpose when they neglect child welfare. He criticizes the focus on "grand events," "immense projects," and "infrastructure" while child abuse rates rise, suggesting that these are not justifiable reasons for neglecting children's safety.
Euphemistic Labeling:
He doesn't explicitly use euphemistic labeling but rather criticizes its use by others. Brown calls out the "constant talk of economics and business" as a way to silence the more urgent issues of child abuse, which can be seen as a critique of how language is used to downplay or reframe the severity of the situation.
Advantageous Comparison:
Brown's text implicitly critiques this by highlighting how Australia's issues with child welfare are not compared to worse scenarios elsewhere to make them seem less severe but are instead used to argue for immediate action. He focuses on the local failure rather than comparative relief.
Displacement of Responsibility:
A significant part of Brown's argument is aimed at the displacement of responsibility by politicians, religious leaders, and business figures. He calls out how these groups deflect responsibility onto each other or onto societal factors like economics or law, rather than taking direct action to protect children.
Diffusion of Responsibility:
The text mentions how the load of child protection is "over-run" by professionals who are left to deal with the fallout of systemic failures. Brown criticizes how responsibility is diffused across an ineffective system, leaving individual efforts insufficient.
Distortion of Consequences:
Brown forcefully argues against the distortion of consequences, stating the harsh realities of child abuse statistics and the long-term societal impacts, including incarceration and health issues. He refutes any attempt to minimize these consequences by detailing the widespread damage.
He fights against dehumanization by emphasizing the individuality and collective identity of children, urging society to see them as people with rights and needs, not as statistics or collateral damage in larger debates.
Attribution of Blame:
Rather than attributing blame to the victims or their families, Brown points the finger at those in positions of power—politicians, religious leaders, and business figures—for systemic failures and for creating environments where children are at risk. He calls for accountability, not blame-shifting.
Overall Assessment:
Brown's text is a direct attack on moral disengagement in how it manifests in Australian society regarding child protection. He uses vivid language to dismantle each mechanism of moral disengagement:
He criticizes moral justification by highlighting the neglect of child welfare amidst other societal priorities.
He condemns euphemistic labeling by advocating for clear, direct acknowledgment of the issues.
He rejects advantageous comparison by focusing solely on local issues and their severity.
He denounces the displacement and diffusion of responsibility by naming specific sectors and urging collective action.
He confronts the distortion of consequences with stark statistics and long-term societal impact.
He opposes dehumanization by personalizing the issue, focusing on the human cost.
He challenges attribution of blame by redirecting it towards those with the power to effect change.
Brown's writing is an impassioned plea for a societal shift away from these disengagement mechanisms towards a collective, responsible, and immediate action for the protection and well-being of children.
2023 Findings in Spain found that 0.6% of the population of Spain had been sexually abused by Roman Catholic priests and laity. Up to 50 million alive on any day who have been raped or abused by Catholic clergy &/or Catholic laity
Current world population is 8 billion - 0.6% = 48 million alive today who are likely to have been raped by Catholics globally.
The church protected the perpetrators, not the victims
"This is a matter for the church and I respect the internal judgements of the church. I don't stand outside the church and provide them with public lectures in terms of how they should behave. I've noted carefully what his Holiness has said in the United States. Obviously that was a source of great comfort and healing in the United States. I'm like all Australians very much looking forward to what the Pope has to say here in Australia as well, as I am to my own conversation with the Pope later this morning." Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia, 17 July 2008. more
If you found this information to be of assistance please don't forget to donate so that we can extend these information pages which are focused on providing knowledge and information to survivor/victims on their Human Rights with justice, compassion and empathy at the fore along with sound knowledge of Human Biology and Psychology, Human Evolution and Neuroscience. Information is not provided as legal or professional advice; it is provided as general information only and requires that you validate any information via your own legal or other professional service providers.
Wednesday, 22 June 2022 - I may not have this down syntax, word and letter perfect or
absolute precision in every aspect; however time and the evidence will show that I am closer to the truth than
any religion has been or will likely be.
Let history be the standard by which that is measured.
Youtube - listen to Commissioner Bob
Atkinson get it wrong - again
The Commissioner informs us that the clergy sexual abuse issue was all over and that it had only been a
small statistical glitch around the year 2000. History shows this to have been a display of absolute ignorance
on the issue ...
Makarrata : a better future for our children based on justice and self-determination. The Uluru Statement from the Heart. See Yours, mine and Australia's children. I acknowledge the Traditional People and their Ownership of Australia.
#FAQyMe #FAQyMeGene trauma informed human rights justice failed institutions UN Convention on Human Rights Rights of the Child and a Bill of Rights for Australia future evidence resilience not providing or representing a secular Australia autodidact religion human rights rights of the child justice for survivors of abuse by religion The FAQyMe Gene
Hegemony: The authority, dominance, and influence of one group, nation, or society over another group, nation, or society; typically through cultural, economic, or political means.
Mother and baby home survivors on redress delay:
'They are playing a game of wait and die'
reported more than 520 conflicts of interest during audit of Australian aged care
2024 is the year of Survivor's High Court challenge of the legitimacy of the Catholic Church and its religion on the basis of its primary allegiance and obedience to a foreign state.