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The inability of a child to thrive in a Constitutionally protected God based perpetual threat and rape culture is not a fault of the child; however it does become their odious responsibility upon reaching adulthood to resolve the harms done to them. The Christian religion at its core is a toxic mechanism whereby intergenerational trauma is kept alive, active, and deeply embedded in each new generation, as it has done over the past 2,000+ years.

Subscribe #FAQyMeGene The FAQyMe gene #388

Now as always more highly trained at fucking up

Friday, 9 April 2021 1:42:30 PM

Ranting thoughts coursing through my synapses with increasing regularity

Being triggered by reading the sentence "Victorian Police are the worst in Australia. "

It depends on how you measure that. Victoria police have an atrocious record when it comes to covering up child sexual abuse by favored clergy as well as their other crimes. QLD police are right up there with consistency over long time periods.

None of them include state and federal making 9 in total who for almost a hundred years magically arrived at the same MO which they held to and still have yet to publicly acknowledge the role that decision making officers can simultaneously allow for a Commissioner to also be a sworn papal knight swearing an oath of unquestioning obedience when acting in the role of defender of the faith.

That helps us understand how we get today where we live in a very powerful and active Christian cultural hegemony and thankfully as I have said elsewhere people are getting pissed off about not living with equal human rights is also a major barrier to obtaining natural justice in a country that once boasted of a fair go for everyone. That did not work out well at all did it and while that hegemony rules we will continue to livid in the fetid remains of another failed politically enabled religious system.

But they are now as always more highly trained at fucking up. Thankfully police commissioners who have divided loyalties between Australia and the foreign nation state of the Holy See are more obvious these days. There is no law against that, no acknowledgement and no attempt to regulate, control or manage when it evidentially goes wrong yet again.

It's perfectly fine under Catholic laws and there are no national laws against it because its deemed to be a freedom of religion issue. The final decision is left to the personal integrity of the police officer. Look how that worked for of those who were raped by Catholic and other clergy just in the last 50 years or so.

All sanctioned by a male god who now has others herd his property and progeny; it reminds me of that very Catholic urge to manage every stroke of intercourse that has ever, will ever take place and forget themselves in the moment they react and play out the abuses they endured in their sexually dysfunctional constitutionally protected psychologically abusive and unable or unwilling to protect the human rights of every child in Australia yet the see themselves as a benevolent religion.

21 April, 2021 Christian Police Minister publicly bullies frightened children and their innocent female teacher because his God is outraged

Sucked up by the Christian hegemony that self inflicts itself across the planet through a simple and persistent threat made against its own children.

We just have evangelicals with pedophile supporting mates and mates who raped as young people making laws about people complaining about being raped but we find its mostly in a senators office after hours or just someone masturbating over the desk of a woman senator (all above on recent reality in Australia in the last 6 months).

Joh was a religious nutter as were many others but none have been so insatiable and delusionaly out of touch than Scott the Forgettable

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2023 Findings in Spain found that 0.6% of the population of Spain had been sexually abused by Roman Catholic priests and laity. Up to 50 million alive on any day who have been raped or abused by Catholic clergy &/or Catholic laity

Current world population is 8 billion - 0.6% = 48 million alive today who are likely to have been raped by Catholics globally.

The church protected the perpetrators, not the victims

Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this

"This is a matter for the church and I respect the internal judgements of the church. I don't stand outside the church and provide them with public lectures in terms of how they should behave. I've noted carefully what his Holiness has said in the United States. Obviously that was a source of great comfort and healing in the United States. I'm like all Australians very much looking forward to what the Pope has to say here in Australia as well, as I am to my own conversation with the Pope later this morning." Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia, 17 July 2008. more

If you found this information to be of assistance please don't forget to donate so that we can extend these information pages which are focused on providing knowledge and information to survivor/victims on their Human Rights with justice, compassion and empathy at the fore along with sound knowledge of Human Biology and Psychology, Human Evolution and Neuroscience. Information is not provided as legal or professional advice; it is provided as general information only and requires that you validate any information via your own legal or other professional service providers.

Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this #FAQyMe

Wednesday, 22 June 2022 - I may not have this down syntax, word and letter perfect or with absolute precision in every aspect; however time and the evidence will show that I am closer to the truth than any religion has been or will likely be.
Let history be the standard by which that is measured.

Youtube - listen to Commissioner Bob Atkinson get it wrong - again
The Commissioner informs us that the clergy sexual abuse issue was all over and that it had only been a small statistical glitch around the year 2000. History shows this to have been a display of absolute ignorance on the issue ...

Makarrata : a better future for our children based on justice and self-determination. The Uluru Statement from the Heart. See Yours, mine and Australia's children. I acknowledge the Traditional People and their Ownership of Australia.

   #FAQyMe      #FAQyMeGene      trauma informed     human rights     justice     failed institutions     UN Convention on Human Rights     Rights of the Child and a Bill of Rights for Australia     future     evidence     resilience     not providing or representing a secular Australia      autodidact     religion     human rights     rights of the child     justice for survivors of abuse by religious   

Hegemony: The authority, dominance, and influence of one group, nation, or society over another group, nation, or society; typically through cultural, economic, or political means.


Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this

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Were you like so many others born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture?

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