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The inability of a child to thrive in a Constitutionally protected God based perpetual threat and rape culture is not a fault of the child; however it does become their odious responsibility upon reaching adulthood to resolve the harms done to them. The Christian religion at its core is a toxic mechanism whereby intergenerational trauma is kept alive, active, and deeply embedded in each new generation, as it has done over the past 2,000+ years.
Monday, 23 December 2019 9:56:05 AM
From a discussion on abusive cultures within religions 2019.
What is needed is a data rich slideshow with voice over - about hour long linked to surveys and additional so who will replace scummo as pm? ?? 1 will it be a case of his god does not meet my gods psychopathic standards ?? 1 Will be interesting to see. He is doing his befuddled daggy dad routine atm ah - the innocent me routine - getting outraged will take a while yet - good leaves him with unresolved public percerrption - i figure his political life is done I do hope so. Landfill , the metaphor it will fester internally fort them - good to kn ow they are human Next we have to examine the party structure that created this excresence . It did not get to be pm on its merits ?? 1 so that calls for a diversion or a conversion ? my philosophy is clear on that - the issue comes at the points where we c oncentrate power in the implied sanity of our "representative" system. - thats where change can be done and is needed ?? 1 Representative of whom ? Sanity vs sociopathocracy? yes - the representation option is not what it is made out to be - possibly worked back in 1901 when our population was very small and 96% believed in the christian concept it works suitably in that arena - it fails us today it obviously lacks the ability to represent ttiwof a region the same area has issues when it comes to religious cultures dominating in the societal system He is a fucking sociopath I think ther eis room for discussion about an article even a video production on that aspect those aspects Right now we see the mediocracy ruling the created idiocracy for the benefit of the sociopathocracy and he is offensive whet he does best is hijack the conversation that we need to have Middle management types that could not organize a boozeup in a brothel Offensive is an understatement they are stooges who have different masters Tools ?? 1 the inability for a biased individual to be able to fairly represent the views of a region is a fallacy - focus on that failure is my view they havent thought beyond the immediate The opportunity put forward the need to give Australians a Bill of Rights is something I think needs a a reminder in there We need a bill of rights plus a statement that clearly defines the duties of any government towards the electorate. There is none at the moment. We are beset by the ' sovereign ' head idea, one that is then applied by dysfunctional committees ?? 1 if the candidate meets the commercial standards as set tttycan remain religiously bigoted and biased under the protection of freedom of religion - thats a farce that needs to be exposed more That is the core of our hierarchial thinking - hierarchial processes are not democratoc - that is a basic point of conflict with those notions ?? 1 The concept of ' our betters ' I am convinced that this is the direct result of a culture living with trauma . ?? 1 it is generational trauma it has become our culture and things that are over protected this way are permitted to deeply seep into the core of human systems. ?? 1 Essentially a culture of ' rape ' at every level . Not just sexual . Intellectual, emotional etc. Individuals are drawn to power structures that mimic the protective carer ( patriarch) That culture has been allowed to exist - the core of that came with every police jurisdiction and larger number sof political representatives devising the cover up of child rape by Catholic clergy - that was extended to every form of clergy and hierarc hy across every social system all onus is put on the defenceless child - they carry the full load of every error of their predecessors its a weird system that loads their children this way - handicaps them at birth ?? 1 No need to get distracted by the singular elements that reinforce this structure. Until we address the actual mindset that empowers the rape culture ( which extends far beyond churches and other influencers) nothing will change. At the moment we see the challenge only when a child is raped , a person is destroyed. There should not be a first time , a one off trigger repeated ad nausea. agree in m any ways It is in the very nature of the opportunistic predator to seek out gratification, both in power and to satisfy sexual urges. Until we get over the taboos and lies and deception re human sexuality, human fears , the lies will enable and empower the predators at every level . I saw tyhe shock at 9/11 timothy mcveigh - there have been many before - I even got to meet the m an who attempted to poision perths water supply under direct instructions fro jesus and his dad wdoes the psychologist or how does v iew it? it is a human issue and it is reactive and toxic It the nature of humans. Thing is , they are taught to emulate gods but barely manage to be decent human beings. ?? 1 And that bs has gone in since the first half ape thought it a good story to share ?? 1 yes and many systems have come together - systems that are derived from or flourished as a result of these guys touch on it from a different vantage point at 1hr 05 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZtdlXW5H0E See , there is a difference between the stories shared. Our apes saw desertfication in the middle east and had to migrate to survive. They had no understanding of the causes of the chaos that embroiled them. The world view of desert apes is very different from the ones that lived in fertile plains like China. Those ones had no need to look for influencers among the gods . ?? 1 it is steeped in the ignoramnce of our biology and reality Look at China and its lack of interest in a patriarchal god It goes right back to the roots of civilization they just felt theyt were at the centre of the earth and when a good flood came it washed away their poor standard homews - build a bigger boat becomes a dream for humans and a myth for the gods to weild in their perpetual quest tyo be satisfied it is only 20 or so years now since the general public has had access to real knowledge about the world we are living in that reality is scary enough when the basis of our communities have been shown to harbour rapists of every form at its breast in both church and governmentsd and more so when they hold hands What would you expect from desert dwellers trying to survive? Secrecy and tribalism at the expense of the individual is inherent in the system. Lead by a world of men who have been educated in the schools and religions that groping women and raping and beating children was an approved way to raise them. ?? 1 That mindset was then translated onto cultural settings that were very different from deserts Property Love that quote from Alice Miller - finding as that is appropriate right here - morality and performance of duty are articificial means You can do what you will with property ?? 1 yes and veryone has a "right" to make as much money as they want ?? 1 The amoral will always seek to describe morality as a tool to control others ?? 1 property owner was the man of the house - he own his wife children and slaves - they were all his just different duties describing how they were able to skirt around their own moral obligations Yes excuse making The rest is property maintenance and control over property ?? 1 and evey bit of it protected under freedom to practice an immoral religion No tests on any function no matter how bigoted, criminal or psychologically abberant that is as ity can be obfuscated y opinions and versions and be excluded from any form of examination or co0ntrol That works fine if the berneficiary is all powerful and true - you get problems with the rest every time and you fracture and destroy the core elements of the community leaving us with the empty shell we have where a nation state of rapists is protected by our constitution 116 The real problem is that the root causes are never discussed. its quite bizxarre It represents no more than the convoluted evolution of desert dwellers dreaming ?? 1 just as the logical outcome and reality is avoided and as they have been taught and instructed they slip into automated defence of the things they are the most afraid of Yes Every thing is rooted in the original cultural setting problem that I see with ours and the desert dwellers that I came into contact some of those knew and un bderstood that these wree strange b arbaric gods who people invested power in the desert culture I met didn't empower people in this way The fear ,the hunger and the hostility. Compare that to peoples living in jungles or long term productive plains it was a culture they had not experienced their philosophy was to try to defend their territory whereas the xtian go0d authorised the overtakin g and the killing of any resistence The desert dwellers of the abrahamic faiths developed in rather bizarre ways. yes - lots of ugly stuff came together and they had a custom of waging wars over their godly beliefs - we inhereted that unfortunately its an idea that society needs to understand as we are vulnerable to it and its ramifications on a daily basisis the federal political system has become the default way for religions to proselytize to the people and that came to us as a result of the flaw of a Constitution protecting without any form of oversight any or all religions under 116.
2023 Findings in Spain found that 0.6% of the population of Spain had been sexually abused by Roman Catholic priests and laity. Up to 50 million alive on any day who have been raped or abused by Catholic clergy &/or Catholic laity
Current world population is 8 billion - 0.6% = 48 million alive today who are likely to have been raped by Catholics globally.
The church protected the perpetrators, not the victims
"This is a matter for the church and I respect the internal judgements of the church. I don't stand outside the church and provide them with public lectures in terms of how they should behave. I've noted carefully what his Holiness has said in the United States. Obviously that was a source of great comfort and healing in the United States. I'm like all Australians very much looking forward to what the Pope has to say here in Australia as well, as I am to my own conversation with the Pope later this morning." Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia, 17 July 2008. more
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Wednesday, 22 June 2022 - I may not have this down syntax, word and letter perfect or
absolute precision in every aspect; however time and the evidence will show that I am closer to the truth than
any religion has been or will likely be.
Let history be the standard by which that is measured.
Youtube - listen to Commissioner Bob
Atkinson get it wrong - again
The Commissioner informs us that the clergy sexual abuse issue was all over and that it had only been a
small statistical glitch around the year 2000. History shows this to have been a display of absolute ignorance
on the issue ...
Makarrata : a better future for our children based on justice and self-determination. The Uluru Statement from the Heart. See Yours, mine and Australia's children. I acknowledge the Traditional People and their Ownership of Australia.
#FAQyMe #FAQyMeGene trauma informed human rights justice failed institutions UN Convention on Human Rights Rights of the Child and a Bill of Rights for Australia future evidence resilience not providing or representing a secular Australia autodidact religion human rights rights of the child justice for survivors of abuse by religious
Hegemony: The authority, dominance, and influence of one group, nation, or society over another group, nation, or society; typically through cultural, economic, or political means.
Mother and baby home survivors on redress delay:
'They are playing a game of wait and die'
reported more than 520 conflicts of interest during audit of Australian aged care
2024 is the year of Survivor's High Court challenge of the legitimacy of the Catholic Church and its religion on the basis of its primary allegiance and obedience to a foreign state.
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