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The inability of a child to thrive in a Constitutionally protected God based perpetual threat and rape culture is not a fault of the child; however it does become their odious responsibility upon reaching adulthood to resolve the harms done to them. The Christian religion at its core is a toxic mechanism whereby intergenerational trauma is kept alive, active, and deeply embedded in each new generation, as it has done over the past 2,000+ years.
Saturday, 31 August 2019 6:51:13 AM
originally titled :- Spring 1920 - Kathleen Rose Mackin - Title updated 25 March 2021.
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: <<..CONFIDENTIAL..>> For the personal eyes of Justice Peter McClellan only. Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:18:44 +1000 From: contact@tfyqa.bizTo: Solicitor- RCIRCSA For the personal attention of Justice Peter McClellan Justice McClellan, I am writing directly to you as I have a number of serious matters that in my opinion brings the Royal Commission into disrepute, as well these matters may have cast doubts and aspersions as to the veracity of my story as I gave it to the Royal Commission. I write to demand that these matters be brought to your attention so that I may seek a hearing so that these matters may be cleared up as soon as possible. I have openly and publicly stood my reputation behind the Royal Commission in its endeavor to bring us justice; this is something that I can not continue with until these matters are resolved in an appropriate manner. When I read the web site of the Royal Commission it stated that I could speak to a Commissioner of the Royal Commission in one of 3 ways. Speaking directly to someone in authority has been a priority and a desire of mine since the day I sat on my mothers' lap by the kitchen fire in my home as she held me wrapped in a blanket and asked me to tell her what had happened to me. I had been violently raped by Kevin O'Donnell and beaten, kicked and had my foot severely injured, despite my mother bathing me I was still bleeding and sobbing. We talked and I told her that what they had been doing was wrong and that somebody should tell them. She hugged me and cried a little as she told me I was not the first or the last of her children to be raped or abused by rapist and abusive Catholic clergy. I told my mother I would do that no matter what it took me. She hugged me and told me perhaps sometime in the future as they were far too powerful and connected and controlled too many thing that it was impossible just now. I was around 8 years of age at that time. She told me she had tried on other occasions and that she would try again for me and she said she would keep trying. She did and actually had a number of small wins though I am not conversant with the whole story of that. I told her I would find the right people to talk to; I have been on that journey with urgency since the arrival of my son. The night before she died, my mother had called all her children in for a conversation. My conversation with my mother on that night was predominantly on the topic of our conversation in my childhood that I have mentioned above, we both knew that she was dying. We made a promise to each other. Mine was to renew my childhood promise to her. Hers was to promise if there was any possible way to see that justice would be done for myself and the others who had been exploited and abused and raped by Catholic clergy then she would get back to me and the others as if there was an after life she would continue in that. She hugged me and said she couldn't do it any other way simply because she was a mother and that is what mothers do for their children. The man she went to to assist her was kicked and beaten and took 8 days to die after he again attempted to intervene on a younger sisters behalf some years later after she had been molested by another Catholic clergyman. I have many more reasons why I wish to give my testimony under the stated and published policies and procedures and I say here to you that the Royal Commission has not upheld its side of its publicly stated bargain. In fact it has acted to stymie and to deny me my right. That is one of the major purposes as to why I write this email to you. Due to some of the quirks of human nature when having to discuss highly emotional matters with strangers I chose to do my submission via telephone as it provided me with the best environment possible as well it provided and added a sense of security, I was at home and did not have to travel to and back from Brisbane - past disastrous experiences re this can be added here - (*1 My meeting with now officer of the Royal Commission Ruth Baker *2 My meeting with Jason Parkinson and associate.) My experience of telling my story to a Royal Commissioner did not take place though I was contacted by an officer of the Royal Commission whom I learned later was a substitute and that she or others would transcribe my conversation with her. This transcript was to then be passed on to a Royal Commissioner to read. Clearly this was not the procedure described in your literature not was I clearly advised that there would be a deviation from procedure in my circumstance. During an earlier conversation with Bronwyn I had spoken expressly on the topic of speaking with a Commissioner. I explained clearly to her a process that I recognized and understood would be traumatic for me. It appears now that I was duped into providing information to someone on the basis of trust and respect and that somewhere in that process I have found an enemy who chose to do precisely as I described and explained would be triggering for me. The Royal Commission did precisely what I asked them not to while they were in the full knowledge and understanding that to act as they did would be detrimental and harmful to me and I have been injured wrongfully by that. Learning of this in hindsight is a very unpleasant experience as it triggers many previous occasions where such an abuse of trust has openly and blatantly taken place with no explanation offered as to the change of procedure - added to that the content on the web site has not been updated to inform others that this may also occur to them if they choose to give their testimony via telephone. In my part of the world we call that a fraud and a sham; a bogus operation that is despised and hated due to its patent unfairness and its failure to follow the stated procedure. I and others find it to be more than offensive given the need of the Royal Commission to be seen to be fair and honest with those of us they deal with. If the Royal Commission understands so little about trauma and the experience and how to deal with those who have experienced it then it is my opinion that if you continue on the path your are currently following then it will be the progenitor of more unintended suicides. My experience with the Royal Commission has been one that I would usually associate with the cultural differences encountered when dealing with the Catholic Church only in this instance it is worse simply because the Royal Commission is seen and looks on itself as the protector and as a safe contact for survivors. Over recent months I have been coming into contact with an increasing number of survivors complaining of similar experiences. While I understand the effort and the work put in by the Royal Commission in an attempt to ensure that its workers are safe and protected from the trauma it appears that little if any consideration has been directed towards those of us who have been asked to relate the horrific aspects of our experience to the Royal Commission. For most of us this is an experience that we would normally be very careful in our conversations with others. Many have learned how to safely converse with others and they do that by talking as survivors where they relate to one another the horror in digestible chunks in association with more than 90% of any such discussion being around their survival and how they achieved that or how they escaped (what some in your circles may refer to as debriefing). The current methods of the Royal Commission again in my own opinion appears to have taken its advice from those who have no to little understanding of this experience of survivors or of their own traumatic experiences as children - given the current circumstance the Royal Commission with the best of intentions sets many people up for months long recuperation after - those who have little or no understanding of the biological processes of pattern matching, brain plasticity, culture, trauma recall and re-experience can end up in psychiatric wards or take their own lives as a result of the social ignorance of this very real aspect of our lives. I have come back to this document several times as I process my experience and put much of it into perspective; on this occasion I come back to it to describe a little of human nature. When providing this document to other survivors for their review and input I get a massive "Yes" response as well as additional helpful information - therein lays the difference as when you and/or others working for the Royal Commission get to read this we understand that it will generate an almost horrified opposite response - both sides can not be right. When the response from the Royal Commission is to follow the habits and reactions of the Catholic and other Churches and individuals by claiming we are off our medication or in need of psychiatric services simply as a result of the inability of the "professional" to process and understand correctly and in reality it then falls to us to wonder who genuinely needs those types of services and just as so many survivors who have yet to contact the Royal Commission they make an evaluation to determine the safety of the services and methods on offer from the Royal Commission. Perhaps some part of the answer to that comes from the notion as I understand it that the Royal Commission intends to promote and advertise for more to come forward. When I and others have had to journey across the country looking for a suitable counselor based on certain criteria it appears that around one in a hundred is suitable and with almost no exception we observe that those counselors and their organisations failed to obtain funding to provide the minimum needs and requirements of survivors in such circumstances. Given the current toxic circumstances it is my opinion that your advertising will attract a segment though not a large one when I consider the number of those I am aware of who have yet to observe that the Royal Commission process is a safe one for them to travel and will forever remain outside such a toxic process. Others will be driven by their biological need to provide safety and protection to their and others children - just how many of those will make the ultimate sacrifice as the current system must fail them. Why do they do this? Because of their experience as survivors they understand the risk to their lives and to the lives of their children when they encounter profound abuse of trust brought about by inexperience and a lack of understanding. I personally can not under the present circumstances attempt to encourage anyone who is still yet in doubt as to their willingness to attempt communication with the Royal Commission as it is a life threatening situation for them if it goes wrong. The many experiences related to me of the failures and my own experience of those failures simply adds convincing evidence that this is a process no matter how it is put is a dangerous situation that they are putting themselves into. Others will find it so destructive that suicide becomes for them the most attractive option as they know and realize the reality of their situation in that $45 million has been injected into support services and no matter how hard they try and how wide they look little if any of that money or services is available to them. This problem has existed for generations and rather than being addressed it is being continued by the Royal Commission at the cost of the lives of those who have been abused previously. When viewed from my perspective the experience of my private submission has been not only toxic it has been damaging to me and as I see it all that is both unwarranted and unnecessary and that further that it pollutes and degrades not only the environment but it casts doubts on to all those who work hard at the Royal Commission. There were aspects within that conversation where the listener reacted and began to caution me. In response I stated that I was on topic and on point; I was allowed to continue after what appeared to be a hurried conversation with Bronwyn who was sitting in on the conversation. After 3 hours I was attempting to conclude the conversation at her request. I had one brief topic which I had raised on that morning with Bronwyn when she called and asked me if I could give my statement that afternoon. She had agreed that I would be able to add that as a part of my private submission. I was not able to do this and I was left almost shouting at the last to Bronwyn to please add this as the woman hung up the phone. I was left stunned for days after this as I was unable to ingest what had happened. I experienced serious flashbacks to an extent that I had not since my early childhood. I re experienced many traumas where in the past my trust had been abused in similar ways. I was unable to process this on my own for quite some period and it is only now that I feel I am able to describe these things here for the first time since those events. It has not been an easy process as an abuse of trust at this level is shocking at the deepest possible levels in a human being. I am trying not to dwell on those aspects at the moment so I will endeavor to talk of those other things that I find at issue. I had recorded the conversation for my personal records, as an account to validate the veracity of my own statements and for workplace health and safety reasons as well as for training and education purposes and it is my intention to consider the many options open to me in that regard. Considering that 3 hours of conversation were to be transcribed your web site states that I may be given the opportunity to read the transcript. I was not offered this option and as a result I now doubt the veracity of the transcription and forthwith ask for that opportunity to be opened up for me so that I may check each and every word of the transcript against my recording so I can ensure myself of its accuracy. I am aware of the reputation of the Royal Commission and I sincerely do not wish to bring it into disrepute and in fact if I look at it squarely I feel that the Royal Commission would gather back many others who have been disappointed with their experience if they were to be open about this. I feel that the reputation of the Royal Commission is something that I would like to honor so that my son and the children of society will get a very clear message that they can and will be treated equally and fairly by the highest authority - this also goes to my promise to my mother. Recently I learned of a 2 and a half or so hour public meeting with the CEO of the Royal Commission at Ben's Alibi in Brisbane among other things and wondered how common was that. I wondered if the conversation was about the coffee or the dealings of the Royal Commission or would it have been a conversation about boating or bird watching or the recent finding of hundreds of new planets around far distant suns. Considering the ease of wiling away highly paid time over coffee I thought that I would not want to impose so deeply on the Royal Commission let alone ask to meet in public as I see that as something that simply should not be done because it simply is so unfair to those of us that see people who have chats over coffee claim to speak on our behalf and the reality of that is about as distant as the further most planet recently discovered. In fairness I feel an hour on the phone with you would give me an opportunity to fulfill many obligations that I have held dearly; some now for more than 57 years. I would accept that telephone conversation as fulfillment of my right to the proper hearing that I have sought pro actively over the past 20 years or so here in Toowoomba and other places. Outside that hour I may seek to discuss with someone to advise me if I may be able to seek redress from the Royal Commission or to at least see proper changes and for it to become inclusive of the knowledge gained by so many survivors. I would like to spend that hour on topics that I choose and I am more than happy to allow extra time for you to give me some answers to those issues I have raised above. I would also like to encourage you to talk in a similar way with some other very knowledgeable and qualified survivors that I can introduce you to. I believe you will find their understanding as to the "Why" question to be compelling, plausible and backed up by research and scientific inquiry. If that is not possible then I would like to ask to make arrangements so that I can bring a number of world class scientists and researches with specific knowledge in this regard via an International hookup over the Internet so that they can share their knowledge and experience with the Royal Commission and the people of Australia. I apologize for my style of writing and my use of whatever dictionary is installed on my computer. My education was severely interrupted in grade 3 and it has only been in the past 8 or 10 years that I have taken on the task of learning to write, speak and to further educate myself after such a deplorable and morally and ethically bereft Catholic education so that I may fulfil the promise I made to my mother and so that I may fulfill my natural obligation towards my own child and hopefully his children. I ask that you accept my humanness in this. rgds John Brown #R006995
2023 Findings in Spain found that 0.6% of the population of Spain had been sexually abused by Roman Catholic priests and laity. Up to 50 million alive on any day who have been raped or abused by Catholic clergy &/or Catholic laity
Current world population is 8 billion - 0.6% = 48 million alive today who are likely to have been raped by Catholics globally.
The church protected the perpetrators, not the victims
"This is a matter for the church and I respect the internal judgements of the church. I don't stand outside the church and provide them with public lectures in terms of how they should behave. I've noted carefully what his Holiness has said in the United States. Obviously that was a source of great comfort and healing in the United States. I'm like all Australians very much looking forward to what the Pope has to say here in Australia as well, as I am to my own conversation with the Pope later this morning." Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia, 17 July 2008. more
If you found this information to be of assistance please don't forget to donate so that we can extend these information pages which are focused on providing knowledge and information to survivor/victims on their Human Rights with justice, compassion and empathy at the fore along with sound knowledge of Human Biology and Psychology, Human Evolution and Neuroscience. Information is not provided as legal or professional advice; it is provided as general information only and requires that you validate any information via your own legal or other professional service providers.
Wednesday, 22 June 2022 - I may not have this down syntax, word and letter perfect or
absolute precision in every aspect; however time and the evidence will show that I am closer to the truth than
any religion has been or will likely be.
Let history be the standard by which that is measured.
Youtube - listen to Commissioner Bob
Atkinson get it wrong - again
The Commissioner informs us that the clergy sexual abuse issue was all over and that it had only been a
small statistical glitch around the year 2000. History shows this to have been a display of absolute ignorance
on the issue ...
Makarrata : a better future for our children based on justice and self-determination. The Uluru Statement from the Heart. See Yours, mine and Australia's children. I acknowledge the Traditional People and their Ownership of Australia.
#FAQyMe #FAQyMeGene trauma informed human rights justice failed institutions UN Convention on Human Rights Rights of the Child and a Bill of Rights for Australia future evidence resilience not providing or representing a secular Australia autodidact religion human rights rights of the child justice for survivors of abuse by religious
Hegemony: The authority, dominance, and influence of one group, nation, or society over another group, nation, or society; typically through cultural, economic, or political means.
Mother and baby home survivors on redress delay:
'They are playing a game of wait and die'
reported more than 520 conflicts of interest during audit of Australian aged care
2024 is the year of Survivor's High Court challenge of the legitimacy of the Catholic Church and its religion on the basis of its primary allegiance and obedience to a foreign state.